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Caught a cold recently, sometime around thanksgiving. Didn't really bloom in full force until a couple days ago, just in time for my birthday!

Don't feel bad for me though, I got a couple pretty enthusiastic B-day *presents* despite the sickness, so I consider the whole thing a wash.

It is however making it difficult to sleep and concentrate. I got about four hours of sleep last night, punctuated by getting up and blowing my nose every hour or two.

Rather than try and write in that condition, I figure I'll rest as effectively as possible and get back to work as soon as I'm over it. Which is why you didn't get an end-of-week chapter last thursday-friday.

In other news, I've been playing Inscryption, which is pretty fun. keeps my mind off the cold.

I'll be back to work in a couple days, and I'll see you then!


Jared Bowers

Feel better dude being sick sucks.

vetro 26

Thanks for the heads up git well soon


Hydrate and stretch, keep those neck muscles from locking up after all the nose blowing you’ll be doing!

John Anastacio

Very sorry you caught a cold. I hate them. Happy birthday. Very happy you got your presents.

Pastor Joubert

anime teaches us, colds aint no joke


Stay hydrated and get tested. Hope you're doing alright.

Terry Stevens

Had this since Monday. Seems to be going around. And this is in UK. My boss had for a month and the yardman had it for a week. Be aware it can cause a chest infection. If you feel a rattle in your chest, get antibiotics ASAP! Brother in law, no asthma, hit him hard. Me, asthma, hitting me hard. Good luck. This sucks Maeve balls!