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Okay, so I've got about three pages of notes on Generic System 4. Enough for me to start hacking away at it. (3 pages is actually a lot for me)

The plan is to seesaw back and forth between the two stories for as long as my poor little writer-brain can handle it. Expect short chapters of Soulmonger 2-3 times a week, and one 3-4k chapter of GSA #4 once per week, until it is done, or I can no longer juggle the two.

If at any point, I am mentally unable to continue that pace, GSA will temporarily consume Soulmonger's time until the arc is complete, at which point, Soulmonger will continue.

Let me know if you've got any questions!


vetro 26

Thank you for the update.


Gah, was hoping for chapter today -_-


Got no questions, questionless as they come.

Bobby B.

WHOOOOOAAAAAAOAOOAAAOO!!!!! (Intense screams of joy)

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

maybe add a couple more pages first.... so you have enough material to get to and through book five without loosing focus :)


That's not a bad idea. I'm notoriously bad at homework and doing even a little bit more makes a big difference.

austin kutz

Any chance of picking WotR back up?


I hope this will not be so difficult for you, nevertheless, paying attention to two stories at once can be somewhat tedious)

Rodrigo Barreto

Hello! When are you going to start posting those delicious stories?