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A patron asked me most of these at once, so I decided to make a faq out of it.

Can you post a rundown for what happens next month?
Editing/publishing and storyboarding new series.

Are you taking a break for all the publication stuff?

Sort of? Editing and storyboarding is less demanding than writing, by a bit.  

Are you starting something new?

Yes. (Working title) Teen Necromancer//Single Dad. That's not set in stone. very little of it is set in stone other than the fact that I want to take a crack at the necromancer trope and come up with an entirely different magic system for how it works.

Rough idea i have so far: Everyday, normal unwed teen dad's goth baby-momma dies in a car crash, and he finds a necronomicon in her stuff.

access to necromancy begins to solve some of his single dad problems when...

Bad guys show up searching for dead baby-momma+baby, since they are royal refugees from another dimension.

Shenanigans ensue.

The focus will be on Necrotech, demons, soul-harvesting, and...the difficulties of being a single teen dad who is also a necromancer?

Some of this will probably change as we workshop it.

Not sure yet if it'll be a LitRPG. If I can find a way to integrate it in a way that I'm comfortable with, I probably will.

Going back to something old like WotR?
No, sorry. I get that it was beloved by many, but I've seen a lot of fellow writers burn themselves out. Something I'm doing must be working, So I'm going to keep moving forward. you'll get more macro that way, i think. If not neccessarily WotR.

Is the patreon going down?


Tier changes?
None, really. when the new series reaches chapter 8, it will be locked to $5, and when it reaches chapter 15+ it will be locked to $10 and up. Once there is a sizeable backlog, I will begin releasing them to the public, sometime in September, maybe? This is the same principle as book 2 and three of Generic System.

So if you're at 10$ tier and above, it might be a good time to lower your pledge for a couple months and check back later?



Arnon Parenti

New thing sound a lot like a boy Casey, necrot3ch sound like a lot of fun to have. ReAnimated doors would be awesome to see.


I love your works. Just wish you finished them.

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

knew it, I called it. In your face macro. One month after I asked you admit to having something new brewing. I am a wizard! <(:)}

Austin Caudill

Release date for generic system 3?