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Here's the scoop.

We've gotten close enough to the end of book three that I'm going to start releasing chapters to the public.

releases will be 3-4 per week as I push them out to the public for review prior to shipping it out to Kindle.

July will mostly be spent editing/prepping the book for sale, so if you're a 10$ subscriber, this would be the month to lower your pledge  or passsover next month entirely.

After this weekend, I only see 1-2 new chapters for this book as I wrap up the current storyline and set up the book 4 hook.

I don't know for sure if i want to jump right into a book four with Jeb. he's a fun guy in a fun world, but I've been writing the series for almost a year now, and if you've ever eaten anything for a year straight you'll know what you might do to try something different.

I feel like it might benefit the series as a whole to get some extra time to recharge and brainstorm a more cohesive story. I feel as though book three suffered a bit from that flagging energy.

I don't know yet whether or not I will take a break from the series. I'll probably make a decision around the end of this month, beginning of the next.

TLDR: 10$ subscribers, consider saving money next month.

5&1$ subscribers, your time of reckoning approaches.

15k subscribers, let us retire to the orgy room and slather ourselves in caviar.

I might take a break from Systems. If I do, expect something new by August.



Thanks for being transparent! Out of curiosity, can you give us any sense as to how much Kindle releases vs patreon subs support you? Is it same order of magnitude or is one much more?


Kindle provides more money some months and less on others. Patreon is good because it provides a more predictable paycheck than kindle, and predictable income has its own inherent value. But the short answer is kindle pays more.


whats the plan for going back to wake of the ravager?


So us peasants actually get new chapters?!?!


Thats what I like about Macro. Very few self published authors are so transparent. Like Im pretty sure the author of Re: Apocalypse keeps dieing and self reviving and deciding he needs time to reflect on all his past lives.


Yeah, sometimes a break can be good. U can create a side story in the same universe. Who knows

Dion Crump

If you need a break from the series take one. I can think of maybe 3 authors of the top of my head who only do one series at a time. Most of them point to burnout as an issue. I know a few who slam out several different novels and say they switch around between books because it keeps it series fresh

John Anastacio

Thank you for the info, Macro.


I look forward to purchasing the 3rd book and devouring it immediately like a starving bunny. That said, nutritious food comes from the soul, and Im really interested to find out what your other series will be like!