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So I Commissioned some art of Jess for the cover of Book 1 along with art of Smartass for Book 2. This represents three days of work on the part of the artist, and I think it looks fantastic. The finished product might be a couple inches more lewd but still within acceptable parameters...hopefully.  I'd like to hear what you guys think about it. opinions about changes are being reviewed for the next 20ish hours before I send the final notes to the artist.

You may want me to keep the original cover, but I wanted to hire one artist to do 2 new covers for 2 major reasons:

1: so they would both match each other, and
2: so that people who might have skipped the first offering of the book on kindle will see something they might click on this time.

Oops, forgot to link the artist:

He good at armor, which is Jess's thing.


Avery Aderyn

I'm torn. I want more people to buy your book, you deserve it. I also like the current cover, the strangness is what got my attention

Kyle J Smith

I like the new cover!


It looks nice, for some reason I saw it and thought about Merida from Brave.


she was one of the reference pics i gave the guy, sooo...not too far off the mark there.


Looks good! Kinda getting a medieval painting vibe from her pose if that makes sense. XD Is the Smartass one done?

christopher rader

sorry but the face looks like a kid playing dressup and the hair is ok but not right for the character imho oh and I thought the sward was a katana or do I miss remember?


I asked the artist to make her look 'innocent' to make the evil armor look eviler by comparison. that's probably what you're picking up on, there.

Arnon Parenti

I would put Merla and Terresa in the back, even just as shadows, facing each other, to foreshadow things, and make the readers go ooh I gotta show this to my friends.

Ricky Kukowski

Her off hand angled weird. Her hair threw me off a bit but then I decided I kinda liked it. Weapon is also different than I pictured. But I like it too.


Hmmm, good point. What do you have in mind?


@Johnathan Grant I think I might’ve deleted your comment while scrolling on my phone... the comment was for a more dynamic pose sprinter crouch.


Oh look! It's edgy merida


The legs are disproportionate to the rest of the body.


Kinda works though.

Edward Jeffs

Maybe possible to have more of her armor manifesting in the image? Might show some skin that way too

William Waggoner

@Macronomicon It reminds me of another KA redhead from another of my favorite series. Have you ever read the Tabitha series by Andrew Hall? Really cool sci-fi series with similar looking MC. Good read if you get a chance.

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

face seems a little to young, maybe a few years older as she looks like she's sixteen... so its kinda weird to talk about showing more skin.


Make her stronger! And Show some the the strength in how she carries her frame....and also more skin/leather clad parts that can show her form better.


Reminds me of chick from Brave as a YA