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I often find myself intensely curious about this kind of thing. Partly because it's related to my job, and partly because I enjoy interpreting data.

So, where did you come from?


Luke Scheffe

25 votes in 2 minutes?

Joshua Flowers

I... I don't remember so I chose other. Unless its preferable to not vote.

Pastor Joubert

The real victory is the 1 kindle vote


I wonder why I post on scribblehub sometimes

Judah Frankel

Do you ever find it amusing that RoyalRoad, the birthplace of so many fine English-language fictions, started as a translation site for a Korean Web-novel?

Gavin Olsen

I have some pointless pride in having been someone who stumbled across that translation group that decided to later make the royalroad website


Any chance you could pin a book, chapter table of contents?


I remember seeing a post on Facebook LitRPG group about how sometimes the title and the blurb doesn't make you want to read a book, and that it almost stopped someone from reading generic system, so I checked it out and TADA (I guess it means I came from facebook's LitRPG group)