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Recent chapter reminded me i haven't gotten suggestions for Stealth before. Let's fix that.



First ! I suggest nothing !


Sk*rim Stealth 100: Spend 1 Bent and squat down from a standing position to remove yourself from the surface thoughts and short term memory of everyone nearby. Range proportional to level. Instantaneous effect resisted by Will. Honeypot: A single feminine-looking form taken with One of the Guys may be saved or overwritten and reused at will instead of sampling from the surrounding people. Men will be (correction %) more likely to divulge their secrets while using the saved form. ^ From Playboy and Master-Baiter Shunpo: Spend 1 Bent to teleport directly behind target user within (Level) meters. Mutation: Ninja Meld: Touch a contiguous, regular material of more volume than the user to seemingly melt into it, hidden from sight. User may slowly travel within the material, and regular vision is blocked unless user partially reveals themselves. Any significant damage to the user or the surrounding material causes an abrupt ejection. ^ From Trait Doctoring. Surprisingly, Brick walls count. Go figure.


No see no hear no comprehend stealth.when activated at one bent every 10 minutes can make people that don’t have a strong enough mind power (50 Minimum) not be able to sense you and subconsciously not looking in your direction whenever you move.all humanoid type beings unless they explicitly looking for you with a high enough mind can they break this power over them. Does not work on animals that have great sniffing abilities because even though the stealth works and keeps everything about you minimum a hound can still sniff you out if they know what to smell for..


Shadow Clone: Spend 1 bent to create (Level) temporary clones that the user can switch places with. Clones are bent constructs and can be directed at will. User can use skills through clones, but output will be reduced. Clones are weaker than the user and will disappear when subjected to enough damage. ^From Dupdomancy, Heart Of The Swarm, and Acting Ninja Vanish: Spend 1 bent to create a cloud of smoke/fog to obscure your escape. Radius of cloud is (Level) feet. Cloud is made of bent and can be dispelled. Shadow Step: Spend 1 bent to teleport from a shadow to another. Shadows must be the size of user or greater. Range is (Level) yards. User must be able to observe the shadow in some way. WARNING: Target shadow vanishing during teleport may cause improper transportation of the user's body. Subtlety: User can better determine when people are searching around or observing their location. ^From Third Eye, Feel Intent, and Minecraft Debug Menu


I'll Be Watchin' You (YPiiAC) - While in stealth, gain a preternatural awareness of princesses within (x radius), and their immediate surroundings. If stealth is used during a kidnapping while a princess is in custody, gain preternatural awareness of anyone within (x/5 radius) actively searching for said princess. Mantis Stalks the Cicada (Dupdomancy, Calvinian Summoning) - While Stealth is active, switch locations with an active summon within (x radius), transferring any incoming harm to that summon when attacked and reapply Stealth. Gain increased damage against the assailant for the next (x duration) upon executing a stealth attack.


Just the wind: while out of line of sight and in stealth others attribute user's actions to natural causes. Effect resisted by mind.


Pull the ability from the "fucking stalkers man."


You Can't See Me (One of the Guys, Abyssal Alchemy, Calvinian Summoning) - When using Stealth, expend bent to employ the traits of a relevant summon or consumed organ to gain a limited anti-cognition camouflage effect. (May result in excessive, premature wrinkles and skin peeling)

Pastor Joubert

There needs to be something about cardboard boxes with posters of girls on them.


[REDACTED]: when stealthed, people suffer total memory loss of your existence when not directly viewing you, this is migitated by knowing you personally (instead of forgetting you exist, they just forget you were in the room with them), and countered [VS will]. {Flavour text}: Don’t look in the mirror!...seriously, don’t. (If Calvin looks in a mirror he loses an hour of memory or his knowledge of his current task)


Misdirection: from trait doctoring, momentarily shift all emotions regarding you to another target ( just don't be a dick with it and put agro on your dps)


Untraceable: While using stealth all evidence leading to individual is erased from exist.


note: leave nothing behind, smell,hair,tracks, no longer exist


Whispers in the darkness: you can selectively cause people in {range} to hear any noise you can naturally make, from a direction of your choice.


Looney T*nes: Spend 1 Bent while stepping behind any vertical object, to become completely undetectable. For all intents and purposes, you are fused with the object and once you move, the ability is cancelled. Thinness allowed proportional to Level. Starting Thinness Diameter 20cm.


Ninja run: run speed increase Lv.% as long as you are not seen by non-ally sentience beings.


That's no moon : while stealthed, able to make the object you are hiding behind/ in appear as something else. Doesnt work if someone gets too close or its seen moving. Caution, may draw attention from strange desert hobos


That’s like “The Silence” which would be a good power but probably too powerful unless it’s uncontrolled like a mutation would be.


Assassin's creed


Remain invisible to enemies allies alike while killing