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aunt in law died this morning. had to spend time with wife and family.(unrelated to the pandemic) sorry I missed last night and today isn’t looking great either. I took the suggestions for altering the timeline and edited the time skip to seven months.

thats been fixed, plus a paragraph or two added and a character sheet at the end of the last chapter.

i got 1280 words done before I got the news and had to head out. Will get back to work ASAP.

you can probably expect at least 1 make up chapter this weekend.


Adrian Gorgey

Don't worry! I think most people understand that personal matters happen -- you're not a machine!

Ford-Thomas Frank Loveland

Why are all the authors of my favorite books so nice. No need to rush on chapter take some time if you need it


Dude, take your time. You have our support.


Take care of yourself and your family. Much love and positive thoughts from here in the UK. We are sorry for your loss


Damn, take your time. That sucks.


No worries mate! Sorry about the situation with ya'll, much love to you and yours!


Nah take your time mate, it is what it is


Take your time man, thoughts and prayers

Hjörtur Þorgeirsson

Sorry for your loss. Take your time. A hard time to lose family with all the restrictions.


I kinda hate these kinds of comments here. Have a more nuanced and balanced take: it's okay to deal with life as it happens, but don't let the outpouring of support here get to your head and think it's okay to be lax normally, we pay you 5k /month for 5 chapters a week. I know it doesn't need to be said and you've never been guilty of this afaik, so it's more towards the other commenters here to not allow yourselves to forget what kind of interruptions are acceptable. Patroning is a type of commissioning, so don't forget to expect what you pay for.


My condolences bruh ❤️

Adrian Gorgey

I understand what you're saying, but I don't think this is the right attitude to take. There are certain expectations attached to a Patreon subscription, but I don't think it's as transactionary as you're describing. You're not going to Starbucks to buy a cup of coffee. You're voluntarily making a donation to an artist in exchange for certain perks. You're not commissioning a piece of art. I think there's a distinction there. Of course how you choose to think about it is up to you, and you can unsub at any moment, but that's my take on it. From a purely practical point of view, I don't think this comment is in your interest either. If you're here, it's cause you like the story and want to read more of it. Trying to create a boss-employee type of relationship is detrimental to that, because then it goes from a passion to a chore. In other words, the author is more likely to burn out. Instead of doing something for pleasure, they start to feel like they're doing it because otherwise a bunch of people will be angry with them and stop supporting them. Even if there's an element of truth to that, an author who feels like they have a gun to their head isn't gonna be as enthusiastic about writing, and that could negatively impact the quality of the story or cause burnout.


May God give you peace and strength during this difficult time.

Bryan Houle

My condolences for your families loss.

Terry Stevens

Fuck me sideways. Sorry for your loss. Take the time you need, us fuckers can make do with re-reading this shit from the beginning. Or maybe writing suggestions for you to later nick like a bastard thief. Good luck, and the Ravager speed.


Sorry to hear that hope your wife is alright.


My condolences


Sorry for your loss.


My condolences, please take the time you need.