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So my health was starting to suffer as a result of drinking monsters and coffee, and I decided to cut it out.

the Problem is concentrating on writing has become much more difficult With caffeine withdrawal. I was only able to get about half of my usual amount done today: 1300 words.

the other problem is burnout adjacent. I’m just not sure where I want to take the next arc, and that’s causing some of the slowdown. That problem is solvable though. I would love to hear ideas about where you think the series is going. As usual If it’s better than my idea, I’ll steal yours.

I’ve been here before and I know I can Think/write my way out of it. It may just cause a bit of a slowdown while my body gets used to functioning without caffeine.

thanks for everything so far and look forward to more chapters!



Only advice I have, which works for me(usually), is start reading, devour everything remotely similar to your story. Hopefully, the inspiration would get a jumpstar..


Dont forget to drink plenty of water! It might help with the withdrawal


Maybe when you are losing the only thing you can do is distract them and flip the board over. Calvin either takes the war to One or they leave the continent entirely. One seems to only care about him. Once he's gone, one doesnt have a lot of reason to stick around.


Caffeine withdrawal is its own personal hell, I get splitting headaches if I kiss a cup of coke or coffee for more than a day, and I never got into energy drinks, hope you can stick through it, if you need help, don't be afraid to look for it

Adrian Gorgey

SO, I think the biggest risk with your story right now is escalating too quickly. Specifically, I mean going off planet too soon. We're approaching the point where Calvin is able to contend with some of the baddest motherfuckers on the planet, so it's tempting to put him in another setting, another planet, and explore the threat of the Harbingers there. And that could be fun. But I think doing it too fast would be a mistake. Whenever I see authors do that sort of abrupt setting change, I see a lot of readers lose interest because they feel robbed of all the build-up until now. I think it'd be more interesting to have him stay on the planet for awhile. He's powerful, but not to the point that he breaks the setting. Not yet. I would love to see him really try his hand at this wizard king shit, against some worthy opponents that aren't all-but-gods. That can come later. My two cents.

seth dauer

I don't know your situation but I don't think it's the caffeine but all the sugar in monster. There are better sources and better tasting too! C4, mio water enhancer, my top two. Mio you can adjust as much or little for tapering caffeine as well to avoid headaches from caffeine withdrawal and to encourage more water consumption


I have been spitballing ideas on your discord. steal what you want


Yeah having an arc after this where there is less action and more focus on rounding out some of Calvin's character flaws could be cool. Letting have room to breath. reflect and interact with the people he cares about and family would be awesome.


Hope you get thru this


Cocaine. Your welcome.

Jamie Trevino

It seems like the copy cat dimensional creature might be what’s needed to beat One, other than that I see him consolidating his power for a bit and trying his hand at this Wizard King thing before leading a good old fashioned crusade


ok well, you've got a a few arks going atm. you've got the current fight with "one" which i think should be finished before anything else personally, you've got a minor Jenni becomes queen of malkenrovian ark, you've got a mind control kingdom's response ark, a kingdom building ark, a "the harbingers have noticed" ark, a figureing out what in the hells went wrong with the old world ark, you've got a "contingencies for getting elliot out of my head' ark, an "exploring the people who totally don't have tech left" ark, and a "rebuilding gavera/stabilizing Ulises ark". also possibly a"what to do with the kobolds and combat company" ark, but i think that can be easily rolled into other arks/ the kingdom building one. now if we take the "defeat One" ark as the first one that needs to happen, i would probably do something like this: i would blend the "rebuild/stabilize" ark with Jenni going off with mum to rebuild malkenrovia. i don't think the narative would be helped much by either Jenni or Mum being on screen with calvin to much, brings too many questions as to why he doesn't just use his mum as a shield, and detracts from his danger and need to think on his feet. i would follow this with a "mind control kingdom's response" with hints of "the harbingers have noticed" as some subtle and not so subtle notes in the back ground. this gives an onus to not rest on his laurels, as well as the ability to catch elliot off guard and maybe have him let some things slip. the hints of harbinger could very easily lead to a "run away"/explore the electric jungle people and figure out what happened to the past" ark all while dodging assassins and agents that leads to some type of confrontation where Calvin wins through much effort, but only by doing something that gives away he has elliot on board, leading to him having to go into rapid expansion and fortification mode, because he knows that the harbingers are coming and there's nothing he can do to stop them from showing up, and they would never believe him even if he got Elliot out of his head some how. again that is just how i would plot things out though.


I think part of not knowing what to do next is not knowing what to do with Calvin. Power wise hes close to outgrowing Marconen. In my opinion he needs a reason to not go back to the filter, this logically should be Calvin's highest priority so that is gonna be tricky. The old master of shifting got to level 20ish in his old age right? If Calvin has even 1 more break he can get skills to 60. at least. Give him any reason/need not to get there please, an army assignment he cant ignore, maybe the harbingers have him on their radar and he needs to flee to some old ruin like richie cool's bitchin recharging station and get some tech to upgrade his homebrew system to avoid their scanners, maybe Karen just happens. Just Karen him off to the other side of the world, he cant go against her no matter how strong he is. Maybe have an arc where she takes him and his sister to the place he was summoned from Elliot. I would like to see him become wizard king at his current break as well if that's possible to work in. But getting any skills over 30 (which considering his 2 breaks could be 80+) puts him outside Marconen's power scale.


Yeah so, attention span problem all I got was "more chapters"? where? Kidding, I'm kidding. Yeah take your time, no more caffeine, go for coke instead. No idea where to take the story from here, everything points to the stars or a dungeon since he's outgrowing everyone. By the by, for the capture the princess bonus, didn't he have to keep the princesses? I think I remember it being linked to the amount of princesses he has, not the amount he repeatedly captured ad infinitum.

Chad B. Sonnen

Like I advocated before, slow the pace, introduce some slice of life aspect, court intrigues, kingdom management, putting down rebellions, meeting other delegates of other nations preferably princesses he can woo. Calvin is far too powerful to continue the usual trend of fighting the next big foe after another. Also, seeing seeds being planted by Nadia here and there in a span of 80 chapters would be masterful! We'd already saw her plans with Ryan, doesn't mean she doesn't need contingencies or other ploys to enact. Seeing her plan come together and readers feeling the buld up and seeing the inevitable happen would be half the enjoyment. As for the chaos she's trying to enact thus far, my guess is that she's to be revealing half those rogue legends pf the abyss to the royals of Ulleis to recruit, contending with Calvin's power base and threatening a civil war. Nadia always wanted Calvin's hands to be dirty and marvel at the death and chaos he brings, this is one of the way of forceing his hands. Also, seeing other characters and faction's reaction to Calvin and their speculations to his Meteoric rise is half the fun of reading OP stories. We saw some of that from Charlotte but just a droplet.


I’d like to see his kingdom building rolled into his eventual fight with the harbingers I’m thinking like any kingdom he runs is going to be labor rich and bent poor so having him focus kids toward bent heavy builds and using Nadia / the bent making ability to tax people’s bent rather than their labor could be an effective way of building state power


Especially if he’s able to let other legends have part of that bent for defense he could hand tailor specific builds using the syphon in days that have synergistic abilities allowing for glass cannon shenanigans without the personal risk.

Pastor Joubert

yup, very common issue after reducing caffeine intake - cutting out the water you would have drank when consuming caffeine. Quick way to dehydration and worsening symptoms of withdrawal.