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I’d really like to have a Saturday off, but it’s not shaping up that way. Got some grown-up stuff done today, and I now have a trash service and automatic payments to the heating company. woohoo!

I got a thousand words done before I put the keyboard down for the day. planning on a larger than usual chapter to showcase all the stuff that’s going on right now in the story. Anyway, see you all tomorrow.



Whoo, super long chap tomorrow.


Dang, reminded me to sign up for a PO box soon


Super long! Can't go wrong!!


Imagine a swarm of Widowmakers Chimera'd to contain the organ that causes the Stalker's complacency aura.


If u want to take a break from writing for a few days or so, i dont think a lot of us would mind. Im more worried of you getting burnt out


Oh yeah that was a good session in the brainstorm channel.