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“I’m going to enjoy their clumsy fumbling.” Nadia said, rubbing her hands together eagerly, sincerely hoping for some kind of awful, horrific accident. It was unlikely, given how simple humping was. It would take a couple of total morons to mess it up, but Nadia knew a pair, and she was sure they’d give it their damndest.

Suddenly the view of the Gadveran princess walking down the hall went black.

“What the fuck!”

“Which is more important?” Elliot’s voice came over the box in the side of the room. “Voyeuristic schadenfreude, or making them trust us?”

“Fiiine,” Nadia said, rolling her eyes and spinning her chair away from the now darkened wall of her cell, coasting on the little rollie-wheels. “Give me a book to read or something.”

A black book landed on the table in the center of her cell with a smack, the cover was all black, except for a gold stencil that labelled it ’50 shades of grey’ in Ilethan.

Never heard of it, Nadia thought, eyeing the cover.

“It’s trash, but I thought it would suit you.” Elliot said through the wall.

“You’re just as bad as Calvin.”

“He’s just as bad as me.” Elliot said. “Enjoy.”

The faint noise from the box cut out abruptly, and Nadia was left alone in her prison. Again.

Nadia tapped her fingers on the table for a moment, debating, but the choices were, stay here and bore herself to death until the whole thing was over, or pass the time with Elliot’s low-brow…whatever it was.

Nadia shrugged.

She grabbed the book and flipped it open, and immediately noticed something: It was written in what looked like ancient Malkenrovian. A language she’d spent a single summer on learning. The importance was low given the country’s apparent xenophobia and isolationist policies.

“Son of a bitch,” Nadia muttered, translating word by word, skipping ones she didn’t know.

“Can I get a pen and paper?”


A pen and notepad landed on her table.

“You don’t make anything easy.”


Elliot saw that Nadia had everything she needed, then disconnected himself from Calvin’s eyes, ears, and thoughts, setting a timer for an hour…

You know what, let’s make it two hours. I vaguely remember being eighteen.

Once that was done, Elliot was isolated from all contact with the outside world.

I wonder if I can check my emails.

Elliot disguised Calvin’s signal thoroughly, reconnected to the System, then charted a circuitous route to his Admin inbox.

“My god, a thousand years of spam.” Elliot muttered as he scrolled through the defunct inbox. “Maybe I can find some news.”


“So, ummm…how should we do this?” Calvin asked once Kala arrived in Shadowboxing. They were sitting, facing each other in a cramped Unqua yurt, the floor literally breathing underneath them.

Kala was wearing her usual yellow one piece, watching him without her usual smile. Instead, he could see her heart pounding in the hollow of her neck, her cheeks flushed.

“Yeah, this is a little…How about a change of scenery?” Kala said, glancing around the living Yurt. “Can you take us to the palace without anyone there?”

“Yeah, I think so.” Calvin said, nodding.

A moment later, they stood in the main hall of the Gadveran palace, the halls empty.

“Follow me,” Kala said, taking Calvin’s hand in her own and leading the way down the hall.

Her hand was soft and warm, and smaller than his, doll-like, almost. He couldn’t help glancing down every now and then and noticing the curve of her butt as it pressed against her dress every now and then…along with the dark brown skin of her legs underneath.

Aw crap, it’s happening again!

Calvin suddenly felt like he was a puppet, watching from a distance as his body tottered along behind the beautiful, lithe princess, heart trying to jump out of his chest.

She guided him to her room in the palace, a well-lit room with a massive four posted bed, with its own rich brocade curtains.

“This is nicer, don’t you think?”

“Yeah,” Calvin’s body said as his mind was reeling with the impossibility of the situation. Kala looked up into his eyes, her lips turned down into a frown, her delicate eyebrows furrowed.

She stepped closer and wrapped her arms around his waist, sending shivering tingles all the way up his back.

“You’re not here right now, are you?” She asked, peering into his eyes.

“In what sense?” Calvin’s body joked.

Gods she’s so pretty, how is this happening to me? What in Marconen did I even do to deserve something like her?

Kala leaned forward, bringing her lips to his, the soft sensation sending him spiraling even farther away from his own body.

“Now stop that.” Kala chided. “If you’re nervous, you’ll make me nervous.”

“How could I not be!?” Calvin blurted. “I’ve been…want…you…since…long time.”

Kala let out a giggle, resting her chin on his shoulder as she chortled. A moment later she raised her head to whisper in his ear.

“Let me let you in on a little secret.” She said, holding him close, her body heat radiating through his clothes. “I’ve been wanting you since a long time, too.”

Her hands explored his back and shoulders, then her dusky hands trailed down to his chest. She giggled and gasped when he tightened his core in response.

“All the staring at me that you do, the drooling over my body…The sheer panic of this moment…I do it too.”

“You…” Calvin’s brain hiccuped. Kala liked him too. Of course she likes you too, otherwise she wouldn’t be doing this. But she said she drooled over him, too…so…she wanted this as much as he did? She found him just as intoxicating as he found her?

“I don’t believe it,” Calvin said, his mind starting to come back, rejoining his body in the moment. Or perhaps it was just the reduced blood to his brain calming him down.

Calvin’s pants felt tight.

“Calvin, girls are much better at not getting caught staring. Doesn’t mean they don’t like staring.”

Calvin snapped the rest of the way back into his body. Now that he could stop and think about it, he could feel the nerves and overwhelming desire radiating from her gaze, mirroring his own. She felt the exact same way he did, so similar he’d had a hard time separating the two emotions. That was a huge weight off his mind.

“Well, I guess we’ll just have to see how this goes,” he said, tugging his shirt up over his head.

Kala gave an appreciative gasp, running her fingers over the lean muscle of his chest, pausing for a moment on the scar tissue that ran down his center before her hands slid lower, caressing his stomach.

She hesitated.

Her hand hovered at his waist, and he could feel her desire to go further down warring with her fear of disappointing him somehow.

“Can I…touch it?” she asked, finally.

“Nope.” Calvin said, feeling her disappointment. “Because I haven’t gotten a good look at you yet.” He pulled her in close, and ran his hands down her back from her shoulders.

Her shoulders were so small compared to his own, her back smooth, her butt-

“Eep!” Kala squeaked, letting out a sound he’d never heard her make before.

“That’s sensitive,” she said, her hand landing atop his as it cupped her soft booty.

“Sensitive good, or sensitive bad?” Calvin asked, squeezing gently.

“Aah,” Kala let out a short moan, then bit her lip. “I’ll get back to you on that.”

I need to make her make more noises, an animalistic portion of Calvin’s brain decided with absolute surety, and he began exploring Kala’s body in earnest. He grabbed her dress with both hands and met her eyes, seeking confirmation.

She nodded silently, her inner world raging behind her eyes.

Calvin lifted Kala’s yellow dress over her head and tossed it aside, revealing the princesses slender body. Her skin was a lovely dark shade, her breasts were perky mounds atop her chest, dark nipples standing proudly against the slightly chilly air.

“This is more awkward than I thought,” Kala said with a nervous smile as Calvin stared at her. She wrapped an arm around her chest, shying away from his gaze.

Calvin’s breath hitched in his throat at the sight of her lovely body, and his hands seemed to rise on their own, settling on her waist and rising up her torso, the sensation of her perfectly soft skin sending electric shocks straight to his brain.

She didn’t fight against it as his hands explored her front, hands pushing her arms gently aside as his hands came to her breasts.

Her nipples caught between his fingers as he glided his hands over her modest breasts. Calvin gave a light squeeze.


“Good, bad?” Calvin asked, glancing up. He had no idea what he was doing.

“Good. But not too – Nggg –“ she gasped for a moment as he squeezed a bit harder. A shiver worked its way down her entire body from her spine to her waist, that seemed to buck slightly. “Not too hard.”

Extensive training has increased Stability.

+1 Stability.

Calvin broke into a laugh.

“What!?” Kala said, knocking his hands aside and covering herself. Her gaze radiated wounded pride as she turned sideways.

“No, no, it’s not you,” Calvin said, lifting a hand to wave her angry gaze off. “I just raised my Stability with ‘extensive training.’”

The fires of indignation sputtered out quickly, and Kala’s mischievous gaze returned.

“All right, my turn,” She said, kneeling down in front of him, delicate hands unbuttoning his pants.

Calvin felt a short spike of panic as she dug her fingers underneath his underwear and pulled the whole mess down.

Calvin’s manhood came free, standing at full attention in front of the curious princess’s nose.

“Wow…” She whispered, putting a delicate hand on his cock, sending bolts of pleasure up Calvin’s spine. “It’s sooo weird.”

“It’s not weird.” Calvin shot back, resisting the urge to cover himself. He’d gotten to play with her body, it was only fair she get her turn.

“I like, it…a lot.” She said, rubbing his cock against her cheek. “Soft, smells like you…” She glanced up at him from the ground.

“And the view is amazing.”

“You’re telling me,” Calvin muttered, looking down at the dusky skinned girl kneeling in front of him, her pert butt thrust out behind her as she looked up at him.

“Hmm…like this?” she asked, wrapping her thumb and middle finger around Calvin’s cock and stroking it up and down.

“You can use your whole hand,” Calvin said, shivering as wave after wave of pleasure radiated through his body.

“Oh?” Kala glanced up at him, then down at his cock, bobbing in her hand inches away from her nose. She seemed to consider something for a moment, then popped the tip into her mouth.

“Herk!” Calvin clenched his jaw and tried not to flinch as a fresh rush of tickly sensations rushed through him.

“I’m sorry, did that hurt?” She asked. “I read about it in my books and wondered if it really worked.”

“It works.” Calvin hissed between breaths.

She cocked her head, looking up at him with a wicked smile as she idly stroked his shaft.

“Feels like I have control over you,” she said, rubbing her thumb over the underside of his head.

“Haaahhhh,” Calvin gasped and backed away from the sudden burst of sensation. Kala chortled, covering her mouth as she broke into a full-throated laugh.

“Grrr.” Calvin lunged down at her, and she squealed as he tried to pick her up. Tried being the key word. Despite his anger, she was more than he could easily handle with only seven Strength.

Damn low Strength.


Calvin swiftly made both of them lighter and picked the princess up before tossing her flailing and laughing onto the bed.

Where there’s a will, there’s a way.


Something had been building for a while, streaming across the Guuya bond. A rising heat between her legs, radiating outward from her center.

Is he doing what I think he’s doing? Ella thought, eyes widening as she realized what was happening. Calvin was mating with Kala. A Guuya bond wasn’t supposed to transfer these feelings, and yet…

“Something wrong?” Baroke asked as she squirmed in place, her heart hammering in her chest.

“Yep. Tired. Long day fighting the Uleisans, gotta go to sleep now, bye!” Ella climbed to her feet and turned toward her tent. I pray to all the gods they can’t see how shaky my legs are.

Once she was safely away from prying eyes, Ella slipped a hand inside her leathers, almost yanking her hand back when she felt how sensitive she was, a shiver running down her spine as she felt the warmth continue to build, as well as the slick moistness.

Well, no sense wasting this, she thought, getting comfortable and securing a leather strap in her mouth to stifle her moans.


“And I thought getting undressed felt awkward,” Kala muttered as she slid her panties down her slim thighs, laying in front of him on the bed.

There was a hint of her black hair above her womanhood, and her dark skin reddened as she raised her legs, affording him a perfect view. Her pussy was slick with desire, drooling a bit of clear-ish fluid.

“Stop staring and get over here,” she said, her voice husky.

As you command, princess, Calvin thought, crawling forward until his cock overlapped her pussy, garishly pale against her dark skin.

The position was awkward, tweaking Calvin’s hips, thighs, and back, and Kala’s leg’s seemed to be drawn up until they nearly touched her chest as he oriented himself on her opening.

“Lower,” she said breathlessly, guiding him inside her with her words. Calvin obliged, pushing down on himself with his thumb.

Her pussy split around him, revealing a pink interior, welcoming his cock as it sank lower, until finally, it slipped.

Calvin and Kala let out gasps simultaneously as he sank easily inside her. Her legs relaxed, finding easy places to rest around his hips.

She’s so warm! Calvin couldn’t believe the girl was so hot on the inside. It was as though he’d climbed into a hot bath.

Kala let out a moan as he shifted forward. “That’s so strange. I feel so full.” She said, before looking directly at him.

“Keep going.”

Calvin pulled out.

Oh. My. Gods. Sweet Elani, I’m changing my religion.

Calvin pushed back in, every nerve crackling with pleasure, pressing against the inside of Kala’s womb.

Kala moaned loudly this time, as if the contact with her inner wall had driven the sound right out of her lungs.

Make her make noises! Calvin’s desire overwrote all logic, only seeking to make Kala keep giving him those lovely sounds.

He thrusted again, and again. His mind going blank as he settled into an animalistic rhythm, all the discomforts and odd angles fell by the wayside as he began to lose himself to the feeling.

The sensation was building, Calvin had taken matters into his own hands often enough to know he was about to spill his seed inside of her. Oh, crap, what was the etiquette again?

“Should I –“

Kala’s arm snaked around behind his head and drew him into a passionate kiss, her legs locking closed around his waist, sealing him inside her.

“It’s a dream, remember?” she said, breaking away to pant in his ear. “Fill me up.”

Calvin redoubled his efforts, wrapping his arms around the slender princess’s back and waist, pulling her in close as he gave her everything he had, feeling the visceral sensation of his seed pumping into her womb, filling her wet pussy with every ounce of his pleasure.

Extensive training has increased Stability.

+1 Stability.

I think I could get used to this, Calvin thought, staring into her eyes as her trembling hands caressed his back.

Calvin collapsed on top of her, his muscles suddenly leaden.

She held him close.



Calvin opened his eyes, staring up at the top of the Unqua yurt. Out of Shadow boxing and back in the real world.

There was a wet, cold sensation on his groin.

Oh, damnit, I made a mess on myself. Next time I’m going to wrap a towel around my junk or something so I don’t have to clean the inside of my trousers.

Calvin wasn’t looking forward to it.

He glanced down and saw a head of black hair, and a bit of pink as Kala gently cleaned him with her tongue. She looked up and spotted him watching her, sitting up on an elbow to face him.

“I didn’t want you to make a mess,” she said with a shrug.



Apologies for those who don't like explicit smut, you can skip chapter 107.5 entirely without losing any plot.

Douglas Bevil

No point apologizing for something so good.


Chapter 107.5 Experiment Rest Phase Activites FYI. Probably experibent actually.


Mmm, tastes like delicious escalation!


Love a great sex scene. That felt intimate and earned.


Fucking finally. Or is it finally fucking? ;-)

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

ding ding ding we have a winner, Vana show him what he's won! An all expenses paid trip to shadowboxing children Bob. Careful they're known to grow up fast and invade the minds of others to make them meat puppets. All hail higher dimensional warp fuckery.


Wouldn't Eliot have had to actually read 50 shades to reproduce it in his mindscape?


I thought this was going to be after he maxed out his skill slots? What skills did he obtain pre-time skip?


Is there going to be a regular chapter today as well?


Does this mean the stuff with Nadia will raise control lol


“Make her make more noises” ain’t that the truth fellas.

Adrian Gorgey

Wow. You are... good at writing smut.


I didn't know her dress was yellow


Honestly, the smut is the worst part of the series. The setting, characters, tone, powers, are super clever. You just take it in weird directions. I know I may be in the minority on that, but...eh. Would be nice if you could just write a story without it.

Pastor Joubert

Life has smut, im sure you’ve rolled around in it a few times in your own personal life story - probably the most interesting parts of it too. No plot was here, so you get to move along.

Brian Czisny

I feel this was a well written chapter and adds to the charcters quite a bit. The fact that they were both goofily awkward makes thier relationship more relatable and helps cement them together better than FTB.


Liked the chapter. If only because after 100 chapters he finally decided to do something.