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So I mentioned that Elliot made some modifications to Calvin's System, I want to do maybe 1-3 of these, and I want them to have a kind of cost-benefit. He loses and gains something.

for example:Changes the System to allow him to pay 5 Warp during a break to add a Sub-Skill (beyond the eighteen) that provides a lower correciton and half the Abilities/Mutations.

Suggestions welcome, just make sure they kinda change the basic system and have some kind of cost or penalty to the primary System. Let's see what we can come up with.



I’m sure you’ve thought of this already, but having Elliot make a virtual machine run on Calvin’s hard ware so he can grant some level of progression to the various people riding along in his soul would be interesting. And then also Elliot himself. Because of course he would.

Chad B. Sonnen

Sacrifice a number of reserved bent to powerup or upgrade a exisitng mutation. For example Calvin sacrifces 6 bent slot to boosts Mezmerizing eyes, where the target doesn't have to be looking at you and could issue an intent with just but a glance.


Set up a new interactive system designed to allow for mutations Calvin wouldn't be able to get through skills, his current mutations are highly dependent on having the perfect skill, as a prerequisite the new system could probably require a set amount of warp in the air in order create the mutation. Another idea for a change to Calvin's system might be to remove the "level limit" that other legends run into allowing Calvin to continue leveling and gaining more skills than a normal system is capable of


Purge Skill: spend warp (5?) to lose a skill. Store Skill: spend warp (10?) to store a skill in an inactive state in order to free its skill slot for a new skill. Swap Skill: spend bent (1/5 skill levels) to switch a stored skill with an active skill. It allows you to keep a soft-cap of 18 skills, but gives the opportunity for Calvin to learn more skills. If swapping skills uses bent then it treats him kind of like a wizard with a spell book.


Another idea which might just be broken and/or to allow Calvin to advance faster and easier is to have Elliot streamline the warp absorption process making Calvin require less warp to break (would also probably have a synergistic effect on the bad penny ability)


Degrees of reason: abilities and mutations can be used in more ambiguous ways but the farther from RAW you get the weaker their effects. So for instance with knife body he may be able to store a wooden handle bc it could theoretically be the hilt of a knife but the time to move it around inside him / extrude it would be dramatically increased. (Basically just let Eliot rules lawyer a bit. )


How about this. On the next break elliot hacks a prompt for him to pick a skill called 'subskill' for 5 warp. This eats a skill slot, but each time one of his skills hits an ability mark 5/10/15/20, he can add a sub skill instead of picking a new ability or mutation. This would provide an additional 1% correction or something to the primary skill plus it's own unique abilities every 10 levels. The big catch though (that elliot won't tell him about) is that he doesn't get to pick what the subskill is. Its randomly assigned, and could be hilarious. Lady killer, new subskill... Lady fingers, bent draw increased by 50% so long as you are touching an intimate area. Lol... I think this might work a bit in balance because he has to give up an ability point for a chance at more if slightly annoying power


I like this, I think itd be cool to have this, and allow the mutations to still function. That could make for a Calvin that's just super strong even without bent. It could also make his vampire thingy (when he dies) stronger if it still has his knowledge of his body. I will say though, I think it should be more like buying storage for skills, with warp, then spending bent to swap them out. The cost could be paid over a period of time, as to make it unrealistic to swap too much unless he uses lady killer

David Burchfield

An option that allows him to supercharge mutations by spending bent could be interesting. As a downside maybe they need recovery time before they are usable again after getting overclocked


Hybrid system: allows system permissions to blend with other system formats: vis vi creation of warp core to facilitate the circulation of bent to create slowly accumulating warp that can be spent on body advancements only, or : items of power, invest warp into prepared items to trigger their own advancement: advancement limited by skills and warp pool cap, chance of sentient items? (One ring to bind them?) power of a king: warp pool increased based on number and power of willing followers and/or subjects: designed mostly for AOE passive powers(increased charisma, awe aura, fear aura, blade of the king, royal regalia, here I stand, a throne of your own, these walls shall fall for none but me, Fisher King’s country, that kind of thing)


Controlled mutations seem to be one of his best abilities. Maybe the System can show him potential paths he could take to an ideal mutation endpoint, but the further along a path the higher chance for a failure and less than ideal end result. For example, he could aim to become a dragon, but if he messes up then he gets stuck as a dude with weird scales, you know? I guess a better example would be aiming for Elder Vampire but getting stuck as a ghoul. If you go for this, I highly recommend inventing your own species/ideal mutation with its own path or 'Evolution Tree.'


An ability for Hybrid skills to permanently overwrite a parent skill absorbing all of the abilities/mutations. You gain a skill slot but lose the parent skill.