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I'm waffling between a support skill like Drafting or Chemisty, or a new skill to unlock another kind of magic.

So, as usual, suggestions welcome. Inherently powerful win-buttons like time control magic generally won't make it into the story.

This time, if you can come up with an entire Skill that I think is awesome, It'll make it into the story as a suggestion. If it's absolutely perfect, I'll probably pick it.



Lumomancy: Allows user the ability to generate and alter light. I think this would shore up a pretty big hole that Calvin currently has in his repertoire in the form of near instant single target damage while not being too powerful. Could also build into a nice synergy with his stealth. And lastly at later stages something like having a bel mai mutation that lets him have a controlled laser whipping around his body inside his redirection field would be cool af.


Evolmancy: The magic of unnatural progression. Force living or nonliving matter to proceed to its next most logical step of advancement using bent. Ie: Bronze spear-> iron spear -> steel spear-> lazer spear? Or apes all the way to humans. Higher levels increase ability to affect the path of progression and amount of progression made. At level one caster can make one full advancement and make subtle changes to base target in order to affect advancement results. Flavor text: The horrifying sentient crab monsters of tomorrow, Today!

Chris M

I think you need to go full in either on one of the support skills that mesh well with current line up, or introduce a random skill that doesn't help him much for the immediate future (But comes in handy down the line) that serves as both comic relief and helps slow him down in the interum. At the moment he has come out on top a lot in the recent chapters and I think he could do with a kick in the ego


Blueprinting - would be a pretty generalized drawing/crafting picture skill Did you ever figure out what the other "classical" Gadvarian magics were? An alchemical Refining/Compounding skill that would somehow combine with Dupedomancy into a Hybrid skill that would allow a bit like that glasswork guy how he manipulated the glass into a new and different substance. Maybe an itembox type skill i doubt that exists in this skill system but maybe soul storage given he already has all those other people inside him.


He want to be a wizard king. I think at least one more magic type is required, there are just so many options. It depends entirely on how you want to implement the specific school or type. Whatever you want to call it. Light magic could be plausible, in combination with his more neglected stealth there are a lot of options. However light equals lasers, that’s just op. There is also potential with beli ma. Blood magic of some kind could be an option if introduced as the law of unintended consequences. With the whole vampirism/consumption going on as well as the possibility for sacrifices. I don’t know... Mind magic would be excellent for him but potentially op. Enchanting perhaps, that would fit in well with his duplomancy. It does not really matter what you choose as long as it fits with his character/goals/wants. Personally I think he needs one new magic skill, one leadership skill and finally some obscure general skill that give some boost to his bent, while still useful in some creative way.


So he is going to go around and get everyone’s suggestions, a great time to list off the many results of this post and when he comes to the big important decision, he tried too hard and gets Decision Making as a Stability skill shoring up that weakness and possibility some interesting abilities or mutations in the future

David Burchfield

Several ideas here Parallel Processing (basically lets him think clearly and well about lots of things at once kind of like a supercomputer, plays well with his autism, may eventually get features that 1. Help him do some of the stuff Eliot does with reordering/modifying his system. 2. Allow more fine point control over his summons 3. Think/react in bullet time during combat situations Monologuing give him bonuses when making (villainous?) monologues, skills make it harder for people to interrupt him, and give him bonuses for following through on what he says. Magpie's Madness (probably could use a better name) lets him either steal or mimic skills from other people. Could have limitations like they have to be used on him first, he has to best the user somehow in order to access them, limited number of uses or duration when he can use the skills ect. I picture it almost like Chained Spirit where you get a slot you can fill with another skill every five levels but you can discard them at will and they degrade if you use them too often. Also could be some sort of weird hybrid skill that pops up later as a combination of some other skills (like stealing) . Stealing (needs a better name, like involuntary redistribution, or ownership transfer). Helps him take things that are not his, could have interesting skills or mutations associated with it. "Occlude" magic skill literal meaning is to block something often used for blocking sight by occluding the eye. Would make it easier for him to hide what he is up to in general, synergizes well with stealth and acting. Higher level skills could give him invisibility, the equivalent of non-detection, and give him countermagic options.

Zach Collins

Ritualism: A branch of magic. Allows for user to forgo instant casting to increase, alter or gain additional effects to spells and abilities. Also allows for delayed or conditional casting. The more time, resources and 'spiritual' effort applied to ritual casting the greater effect to abilities/ spells. Ritual include chanting, magic circles, sacrifices, fasting, ritual bathing Ect. (basically more magic seeming stuff), Ritual 'funtime' (Heroine upgrades?), ritualistic feasts (Makes eating weird things a bit more realistic and necessary). Upsides: Spell traps and triggers would be possible. Possible increase in efficiency with casting spells like calvian summoning or duplicity as you could get more mass, extended existence time, increased stats or potency of summon. Nardia could actual grow a little with the usage of this skill. Maybe get her ability to use bent back if summoned through ritual? Crafting Potential, special daggers wouldn't so hard to craft ect... Downside: No real direct combat utility. Would consume a skill slot for another branch of magic. Possible redundancy if subordinates have higher crafting/ utility abilities. Thought this would be fun as it would be a nice contrast to Elliott for logical 'modern skills' and abilities while still building for Wizard/ Magic king skill build. Have no idea how you would want to apply leveling up math/ growth to the skill and its utility without breaking it 'Too' quickly but tend to believe this would be more of a 'long Term' skill rather than something with huge immediate gains to Calvin's Personal power level. Might work better on others and summons better before it has any real effect on him personally. Keep up the good work XD


Wizard King all the way! Get this man some more magic! You even have the perfect way to introduce an idea, the first traitor cobalt, the last one to remember the ways of old. He sure as hell knows at least one type of magic that only his people have. I would suggest two main ideas: Clauditiskinesiss: The magic of locking, binding and restricting. Users can create keyholes on people or objects locking away certain aspects or motions, with the keyholes needing to be linked to a key. The keyhole will remain until the user dismisses it or it can be undone if someone knows how to pick the lock on them or if they grab the key it was bound to(1 bent per lock). I'm thinking this could be used as a restraint, like preventing someone from moving/bending a limb, or it could go deeper and lock away memories and concepts(maybe as an ability or mutation? locking someone in place would be fun, Time out for you! no leaving that corner). I'm also seeing this stack well with acting and/or sense grafting, as they could combine to form a new type of magic, Personality Locking/manipulation, which allows him to lock certain aspects or all of his personality away, either allowing him to replace them with acting traits crafted by himself(personas or habits maybe?) or to prevent himself from certain self-destructive traits he has in situations which would cause him trouble (or maybe just locking his lust away so he don't get distracted by Ella and Kala). And he could use sense grafting to graft someone else's personality onto his (either fully or partially), as to better blend in if he needs the ticks and habits of one person in particular(would have helped him whenever he mimics one person with one of the guys). I think this would mesh well with one of the guys, as while he looks different he can still act like Calvin, so removing that would allow him to better infiltrate when he needs to, and prevent from any pesky mind mages lurking through his thoughts which would give him away, as he would have a mind different from his own if he crafts it to be so. Vitrikinesis: the magic of mirrors. The user can create a mirror that can be used for a multitude of applications, such as reflecting attacks, mirroring certain actions for short periods and using mirrors to scry through. As you could guess a few of these things would most likely be abilities and mutations but I'm thinking he would use it as either a defensive/retaliatory magic or as a way to imitate others as he either spies on them or mimics specific bent ablilities immediately after someone else used one.


What about some sort of basic physics. It could lead into the drafting skill and give him a solid foundation for advanced constructs and what not. Plus a really cool skill ability/mutation that crossed over with meditation could be called Funda-mentalist.

David Burchfield

In general I really want to see him with one more "normal" skill for support/leadership. Then one magic skill, then one hybrid magic skill.


I'm guessing mind magic is off the table because obviously illusions and Dupdomancy breaks the game. You haven't really talked about magic from Uleis but maybe continue his whole idea of combining other culture's magics with his own to make more custom magic so maybe some kind of Uleissian magic unique to the order not that I have any idea what that might be other than doing stuff with pits of doom from what we've seen of them.


Not really a skill, but how about unlocking a mutation for the next tier of Sense-Grafting. Mutations: Glimpse The World of Forms: Gain an additional extra sense that allows you to directly see metaphysical concepts. It can be tuned to any single concept at will, and objects and phenomena in the real world will light up to the sense according to how strongly it embodies the concept you are looking at. For example, if tuned to the concept of Toughness, steel will be as easily discernable as tougher than tree bark as violet is discernable from orange. This soon inspires Calvin to apply Sense-Grafting to what he's seeing in this extra sense, and now he can remove metaphysical concepts from one thing and apply it to something else. The system then adds Grafting to its catalogue, and Calvin would now be able to teach others this evolved version of the magic during their Founding Days without them requiring the mutation.

seth dauer

Parallel processing- offers an ability to grant adjustment to training/shadowboxing. Shadowbox multiple instances for faster learning, seperate skills or the same a predictive function, background simulation anticipating most likely outcomes Spatial awareness, improved processing allows a better sense of space, applies adjustment to kinematics and precision of summoning/crafting on the fly. Or knowing where and what each bit of substance is in his summoned suit of armor

Jamie Trevino

Hm, special magic aye? Hrm, either making him more slippery, tougher, more killy, or more utility. ‘Propagandist’: Allows spreading of ideas quickly, adding correction for abstract meanings being understood by the intended targets. Would allow for battlefield wide communications. ‘Recycling:’ Allow to recover [lvl]*% of bent lost from destroyed constructs, would later allows reshaping already made constructs, and later non bent things. Would allow Calvinism to be longer lasting against things that don’t destroy the entire constructs of wasps/w/e. ‘Parimancy’: Pari, meaning equal, allows to balance characteristics of X number of objects of Y Size, for example, paring the hardness of a wasp to suit of armor making the both the the wasp and the amor the middle amount of hardness. Upgrades include using stats, It becoming AoE, all things of a type within x range(so all soldiers share HP), multiple characteristics, abstract characteristics(from actor, so making everyone in a crowd equally X, pairs well with that one mutation).

Jamie Trevino

And for slippery, ‘Parlay!’: Add correction for getting people to halt a course of action and consider a different one. Because I like pirates of the Caribbean. I guess it would really be an offshoot upgrade of something like diplomacy


Rune Works - could be like the script of the system whereas he learns new "runes" (lines of code) he could do some op things and eventually manipulate the system to an extent. It could have an interesting part in the plot as well as add more weight to some villain that can use it too that would make him an op enemy to others since he could, in theory, manipulate the world around him using the system. It would also synergize with Calven's build well i.e. buff himself and his summons.

Kevin Caffrey

I think something simple but with a lot of long term potential would be good. His current magic repertoire is kind of gimmicky and he struggles against experienced wizards. So what about something like “Bent Manipulation”? It could start out weak, but progress to the point of being able to disrupt spells (like what was done to him) and maybe even custom castings like we saw in the Elliot flashback.

David Burchfield

I like the idea of flexible rune skill that allows buffing. Also gives him an excuse to brand/tattoo people.

David Burchfield

I agree that this would be a great thing for him to have, but it seems too straightforward for the way Macro has been writing the series so far, I see the whole bent manipulation thing as sort of a side effect or special application of whatever magic skill he does get eventually.


My favorite part of wotr is how the magic has been used creatively, so I vote for some kind of substitution magic. I think it pairs well with summoning and can be used pretty creatively. At higher levels it could be pretty crazy too, he could use mass substitution to bring down enemy structures or partial substitution to augment his wasps into explosives or something, self substitution could dramatically increase his survivability as well. It probably wouldn't be too op right off the bat with serious range/ bent restrictions but It would probably scale up pretty quickly. I think it also pairs well with the rouge-wizard thing he has going on right now.


I would recommend a movement oriented skill of some sort. Could do something simple like 'Jumping' as this would give you a lot of interesting choices for ranking it up like the ability to do 'double jumps' off of thin air.

Chad B. Sonnen

Rock Star/Musician would probably be recomended by Eliot. It will also improve the story naratively because the now existing foreshadowing from the ball chapter. Just imagine all the creative skill and mutation that would come from a bard like skill!


Planning, corrective bonus to making plans and performing them to plan. Pros, versatile so he can plan thermite charges or the assassination of leaders. Would stack nicely with meditation because information gathering is part of making and executing a plan. Cons, limited at first to using the plan as planned. I'd suggest a mod at level 10. Addaptive Arrangement: get Correction% (maxed at 90%) of Correction, when adapting and executing plans on the fly.


Chemistry could easily become a magic with a few abilities/mutations I.e. starts with a more general knowledge of chemistry then start getting abilities like Analyze Compound which would let you know exactly what something is made of and at higher levels why that makes it act the way it does Then abilities that would let him spend bent bent to substitute for certain reactants or a mutation that would let him create things in his body like chlorine gas (could also be used to create some dupdomancy components on the fly) Eventually at higher levels maybe even a flat out transmutation ability limited by the elements present in whatever you're transmuting. Like you could transmute flesh to diamond (or remove the iron in blood by turning the iron into an ingot rather than be attached to red blood cells, could be fun intimidation since the blood would probably change color) because it has a fuck ton of carbon in it but not into an ingot of uranium cuz the body doesn't have any present


You could accomplish similar fuckery with any science really Biology for flesh warping and new organisms and inducing mutations for Calvinian summoning Physics for vector manipulation of creating magnetic fields and maybe nukes at really high levels Engineering for planning and upgrading knick knacks (my brain is farting but I'm pretty sure that's what they're called)


I like the idea of giving him a simple computational skill. Computation is based on extremely simple processes but can build wonderfully. It would be synergistic with multi-shaping to make complex items but also could run probabilities for war and other things like chances of getting with a princess. Idk it would be fun to see and can be limited at your discretion.


I feel like it would be in line with his character to use a skill slot to make his next Break easier/more efficient. Maybe something like Warp Attraction/Conservation: Apply a 3% correction to the amount of Warp needed to reach the next break. The correction is also applied to the Warp made available for use at each Break. A skill like this would bring some serious long-term benefits without affecting the current trajectory of the story too much, and would allow Calvin to generate the Warp necessary for Elliot to graft skill advancements for him without sacrificing the planned Warp for his precious Mind attribute.


1) The ability to swap locations with something. This could likely be a skill that evolves into an addition to calvanian summoning as well, by maybe restricting it to line of sight at first, and then swapping to a distance base, but LoS doesn't matter with summons. Based off of the space manipulation of dupdomancy. Elliot could suggest it. 2) Illusion spell would be cool too. He could have 10 summons of wasps, then 1 illusion spell to make it look like theres X-amount more wasps than there are. The illusions would act and listen to him like summons but couldn't actually deal damage. Works with his psychological warfare deal. 3) If he want's to be a wizard king, then fire power is a must, mobility and/or toughness is a must, casting speed or resource pool is a must, and diplomacy is a.. well not a must, but it'd help. On that note, there are two big things he needs. A mobility or defense ability suited to a wizard. Right now all his mobility and defense is melee based. Or since he already has the fire power, maybe a way to restrict it to a specific area, like a barrier or something. Not sure how you'd make a barrier. Maybe a layer of manipulated space (that's basically what dupdomancy is). Could make a layer of manipulated space and fill it with water or some other things to make a barrier. The space would hold the filler in that space until it runs out of time, and then disappears like dupdomancy. I really think he should get more abilities based off of the things he's already learned. How are you going to MANIPULATE ACTUAL SPACE TO COPY AN ITEM and not mess with your space manipulating abilites. Another thing wizards usually have is a way to store spells and/or buff via scrolls, dimensional storage, tattoos, etc. Since he has that crest that ella and kala have tattood maybe he could learn some type of enchanting, which, of course, elliot would suggest since he was and is a nerd


"Bent manipulation" it would start out small and not all that useful but would synergize well with his other skills as well as let him start actually being a wizard.


I am kinda surprised he hasn't already gain an ability associated with talking to oneself, given how much he argues with Eliot


Atominetic: Allow caster to make temperature of a certain location equal to his own, plus or minus (level) °C. Location max distance is (level) m from caster. Location volume is caster body volume multiplied by level. 1 bent. Human Vibrator(mutation) (xD): Allows temperature regulation of the body. Temperature can vary by 0.1°C X level. Mutation doesn't protect from heat or cold damage. (Careful not to freeze or boil yourself) from Atominetic Bat-Man(mutation): Allows the perception of environment through sound waves. Distance is (level) m. May cause vampirism... Or a slightly hoarse voice. From Atominetic <-- guess why? :P


Some form of energy transfer. Transferring the heat of thermite to something, then duplicating it. Transferring the momentum of a full sized sand barge to a ball bearing and making it into a bullet. Could lead to future mutations where things like momentum and force is conserved over duplomancy recreations


Bent Core: allows the body to store and gain greater amounts of bent at the cost of immediate death extreme sickness if the core is struck due to bent overload. Gain an additional bent after cycling in he bent once through the body. (Stacks with meditation)


Transference was an Illethan spell, Charlotte used it. i dont think he has anyone who can teach that one around other then maybe nadia but she didnt seem that type of mage.


I would suggest maybe an extra sensory or spatial awareness would help with his other skills and add defense to also could help with creating things places he can't necessarily see like creating a blockage in some ones heart or other great assassination tricks that would be extremely efficient


Here are a couple of ideas: You could implement some or all of a modified feruchemy ie. Feruchemy: Spend a bent to store an attribute (heath, weight, heat, strength, speed (in thinking or in moving) etc.) in a bent absorbent metal. Only one attribute allowed for that metal. Only user can use it. Absorbs at a standard limit, can be used or draw upon at a compound scale. (i.e. if you store a days of strength you can either spend it by 1 entire day with 50% more strength or 10 minutes with 500% strength or 1 second of 750% strength - so more expensive the further you compound it.) (the scale can be adjusted- I just made those numbers up.) Also note that while storing attributes, you temporary lose what you are storing. So if you store health, you will be sick and feeble while you are storing it. Storing strength will leave you weak, speed of mind leaves you dim witted, etc. Credit goes to Brandon Sanderson for that magic system.

David Burchfield

Kind of OP but I have been thinking a lot about the bent manipulations skills mentioned by Ichikira, Tom, and Kevin Caffrey. I like the idea of some sort of Warp manipulation skill. It would be like metamagic in that it could tap into the power released when warp is release and shape it. Bad Penny already sort of does this (and could be a prerequisite), but this would be more like metamagic in that it could enhance other abilities in flexible general ways along with having a few unique tricks. Some ideas allows the users to store a certain amount of warp allowing them to bank a portion of the warp released so that they don't have to accumulate enough for a break all at once, enhance the magnitude range and duration of other powers (could be the baseline correction for the skill), use ambient warp instead of internal bent to power certain abilities, apply correction as a penalty to other bent users skills (to general would need additional restrictions), ect. Any thoughts.


Next idea: like what was mentioned before a sensory skill would be good, or a movement/escape skill, or some more passive skills. In terms of an escape skill, you could make a "Houdini" or "Nothings up my sleeve" skill that uses no initial bend/can be used in almost any situation but you could keep it in check by adding a cool down time for it and a set up bent cost that could be paid now for your ability to use the skill later


Where are you buddy? : Makes 100 mc of fog(or water vapor, whatever). Quantity is multiplied by level. Can be dispersed or blown away by wind. 1 bent. Water-man: In a 5 m radius around you, you have a very minimal control of water. Radius multiplied by level. 1 bent every hour. Am I a dolphin? (mutation) : When you are inside a fog you can perceive everything it touches.


The 2 holes: Makes 2 portals, of 15cm, that are interlinked. Things can pass through the portals only if they touch the caster hand. The portals can be apart from each other for a maximum of 10m x level and visible to the caster. 1 bent. I know that hole: Every day the caster can set a portal to one location to be accessed whenever he chooses. If you set a new one the previous location will be lost. When setting the location it must be in caster visual range. 10 bent.


I'm a mage! : Can manually operate caster bent to create a desired effect. Caster must mantain concetration to manifest said effect. 100 - (level) % of bent lost during casting.

Bryan Houle

Alchemy: The magical equivalent of chemistry. Allows a caster to take properties of a substance and change/alter them or add those properties to another substance. It allows the caster to have something similar to chemistry but is more geared towards what the base material represents rather than what source material is built out of. This way it combines better with living material than chemistry would. Also means an author doesn't have to balance science with magic for nit picky fans. For example modifying something with the elements of a snake such as adding the snakes venom to water to make the water into a poison or his wasps to change what there stingers do to an enemy. Another example is a bit of copper so that the user can turn a sheet if paper into a makeshift sword (if a rather unwieldy one) or a person into temporarily conductive to grant them electrical resistance . Also, it works insanely well with Calvin Summoning allowing him to further down the line do such things like alter a wasp and then eat it to gain a new wasp with drastically different abilities such as acid wasps that disintegrate armor and deal damage over time to heavily armored opponents or psychic swarms that create psychic noise in an area that disable psychic powers in any area they present at. Personally I feel that the skill would be a intuition or will based ability, with the premises that an higher intuition would allow a user to find what can or can't be added from something faster or with will overpowering something's resistance to add a new attribute. Finally ways that can limit the ability other than bent cost can be things like how familiar Calvin is with the item he want's to change or the item he wants to change something else with, how long the process takes, if the process is temporary, how many aspects Calvin can add/change to one target and most of those ideas would easily removed/reduced through abilities/mutations.

Bryan Houle

I'd Give an Arm or Leg for That (mutation): permanently lose 1 (or more) body to combine a gathering of materials into a soulless but other wise sentient being. This may or may not include the creature taking the form of a Lovecraftian horror with an unfathomable intent.

James Earl Givens

inventory able to store anything he can create not just pick up use bent to store the items but manifest them for free this will allow him to store all kinds of bombs ,gases, giant knick-knacks, wagons workstations, etc


Warp Regeneration - When there is enough warp in the air and your bent pool is below max allow quick conversion of warp into bent.


Contact center: You can keep contact with 2 x level peolpe telepathically over 1 x level km radius around you. They can also contact each other through you.


A skill that gives him perfect awareness in a sphere around him would improve his build a survivability tremendously.


What about a straight forward offensive ability, like ice magic or something, or how about he picks up some of his homelands true summoning magic? Having summoned minions that don’t respawn could be fun.


The sound of silence: In a radius of 1 x level meters around the caster no sound is created. Can be fixed in place or follow caster around.1bent/h.


Pitch black: In a radius of 1 x level meters around the caster no light can enter. Light can be generated inside. Can be fixed in place or follow caster around. 1 bent/h.


Analyze: You can get a pop up window where you can see various details and the status of people and objects. Can be used once a day. Every 10 levels more details and usages.

David Burchfield

Reposted (sorry if this is a double post or got moderated or something, I just put it up earlier and it disappeared somehow). Been continuing to obsess over this. So far the key features of magic skills have been as follows, starts slow but exponential growth at higher ranks, base ability weak needs upgrades to really work. Meanwhile Calvin has this whole vampire rogue thing going. So I was thinking something along a skills like Shadow Puppetry. It allows for the manipulation of inch square in area shadow per level that is 0.1% tangible for 1 second. Progression would be rank squared times each of these. This would give at ranks 10, 20, and 30 respectively a 100, 400, 900 times multiplier. Meaning 100 second, 400 second, 900 second, and more importantly 10% tangible 40% tangible, 90% tangible. Area would be very limited and shadows would have to be on surfaces... however he could get skill upgrades that could do the following: 1. Allow shadows to free float (probably 1 cubic inch rather than one square inch limited volume significantly) 2. Change area/volume from inches to feet as base 3. Allow Anchoring of Shadows 4. Allow movement between created shadows 5. Allow shadows to take on the qualities of physical materials with a correction equal to their tangibility rating (even if tangible a shadow wouldn't normally have say the toughness and hardness of steel) at very high levels (over 31) the shadow would be superior to the material it was mimicking. 6. Anything else you want or the crazy community here can come up with. This would eventually address a lot of his issue by allowing for the creation of things like shadow wings, combat teleportation, ablative shielding, shadowy weaponry, ect. It would also allow and require supporting knowledge and creative use much like his current skills. It would give him a lot more on the fly reactive options if he finds himself in a situation he is unprepared for. It could be exploited by a skilled enemy (possibly dispelled by the correct application of dispersion or light/darkness based attacks, detached tangible shadows could be damaged or stopped by mundane means, other people or projectiles could go through his shadowgates also ect.


That shadow ability would be too overpowered.


I hope you go with something that seems mundane but later turns out to be OP (e.g. talking to girls). A crafting skill like alchemy, artificing, blacksmithing, drafting, clock making or even (knickknack) programming could be fun. Can’t wait to see what comes during his next break.


Calvin is very mind based, it would be nice to give him a strictly Body skill other than knife work, to go with his high body stats. Something slippery like Escape or Retreat would be nice, but support skills like Programming or Machine Interfacing would probably work well for the story. On another direction maybe some Leader related skills like Empower or Rally?


Better to add something more balanced rather than adding too much power creep.

Josh Turple

He is supposed to be the mage king give him some more magic powers hes running out of room!


In his defense, Dupdomancy is insanely overpowered. Summoning things with cost only related to weight and not energy or volume? Crazy unbalanced. I mean plasma for example, incredibly high temperatures and low density, for 1 bent Calvin could annihilate a battlefield

Frederic Vincent

Give him a skill that controls his body so he has less extra movement when he fights scrubs. Have it link to a mind stat instead of body.


A skill to give Bent to anything and while unused decays at the same rate he regenerates Bent. This way his summons/clones can use some Bent, but it is bottle-necked by how much he can personally gather/absorb and give. This way he can even leave some complex Dupdomancy/espionage work to his clones, or finally allow Nadia to use some skills (no skills that require manipulation of Bent, only skills that actively spend Bent).


He could go with biomancy like Elliot so future mutations won't be an issue, and having someone who can tell him what skills and mutations he will have later on so he can plan accordingly instead of just choosing what seems good and hoping for the best.


Are you still taking skill suggestions?