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So this guy


copied WotR into amazon. Pretty please write a 5 star review calling them out on the plagiarism, and link to the story.

also does anyone know the ins and outs of how to report plagiarism To amazon because last time I tried it made my head spin.

i read the info they give it jus seems like I have to have the work with amazon already before they care...or something? Idunno. I need a legal team.



https://www.amazon.com/report/infringement that should be the form


Also, I have seen several of these recently although they seem to get pulled after a few days. The last one I saw the author didn't even know about before it got removed, so I don't know if there's some sort of automated thing or what

William Brayer

I am not a lawyer, but my understanding is that the moment you write something you have copyright. You do not have to register it with the US government for protection. As far as Amazon goes, I have no experience with that. However, this looks like a clear cut case to me! Check out copyright.gov/help/faq/faq-general.html


If you scroll to the bottom of the Amazon page, there is a link for copyright infringement. Toobad i am not elligible to review on Amazon or i would point the plagiarism out. The names are changed inside the book, from Calvin to Cale, from Karen to Karyn .... why even bother if the rest is all the same? Its as if I would write about a Herbert Porter and the school of Hagworts.

Ford-Thomas Frank Loveland

Can you post the link here. Trying to copy it from your post to share with the customer service people but I can't seem to select it


I wrote a review but I'm not sure if it's scathing enough. Since the story is posted on Royal Road as well, and they are indeed an affiliate of Amazon, then they might be involving Amazon in a potential law suit for Green Lighting the stolen material.


So I doubt it'll be up for very long. Also I left a link to your official story on Royal Road to prove that the source material is stolen.

Michael Henson

Five star review calling them on their bullshit and linking to your RR page.


https://www.amazon.com/report/infringement Looks like you’ll need an Amazon account.

Ford-Thomas Frank Loveland

Spent the last 25 mins chatting with customer support. They are gonna start an investigation and I will hear back later


I sent amazon an email with the details after they said I didn't meet the conditions to review, so hopefully, that helps.


It seems to report it, I either need to be the owner or your agent. Do you need an agent? I have zero experience and a drinking problem. Hollywood says I should be perfect!

Adrian Gorgey

This is horrible. It seems that you definitely will have a legal recourse!! Don't be dispirited, everyone is behind you!


Try asking Ace Arriande. He's had to issue like 3 Amazon takedowns just in the last month. https://www.scribblehub.com/profile/643/ace_arriande/


OK! SO! I've got a few things to say about this. 1). I'm sure you found the https://www.amazon.com/report/infringement? thing, when you're on that link you have above, scroll down and right before 'Related Items' there will be a report, with 3 options. The middle one is copyright infringement. 2). You could comment on the Amazon page and link or state that people can read it on royalroad (or wherever else you post) for FREE, along with regular updates. 3)I'd CALL Amazons legal department at (206) 266-4064 and CALMLY explain what you said above, explain that you have dated links on patreon of when you started releasing the story, as well as links to royalroad of when it was made more public, etc.


Ah, and that's not a random "it happened to this other guy" I bring him up because I was talking to him when I read this and he mentioned asking him.


we got your back man, just keep writing the good stuff




Reported it and linked back to you

Judah Frankel

There's Amazon's Report Infringement page: https://www.amazon.com/report/infringement. You can fill in the report form here. As for the legalities, I think you're at least partly covered by posting your stuff on Patreon before it goes on RoyalRoad. You can find Patreon's guide on piracy here: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360029774472-Piracy-FAQ-




Wrote a review and reported for miscellaneous issues hope that helps


That's insane

Chad B. Sonnen

Damn. Hope it's resolve soon.


Plagerism is bad on amazon. Especially on medical text books or school texts in general which is fucking scary. Your nurse might by amazon copy cat certified.