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 Held off on picking the new one until the next chapter. Here's the previous list! Blade Body is included because i don't want an identical mutation suggested for some reason. looks like what we're missing are abilities that don't require Bent.


Bleeding Strike: 1 Bent. Does what it says. The bleeding will not stop without extreme interference.

Penetrating Strike: 1 Bent. Softens material that comes in contact with the blade. The blade isn’t tougher, everything else is softer.

Edge Lord: 1 Bent. Grants a kinetic field of force that applies an edge to anything for as long as it’s held in the user’s hand. Sharpness dependent on Knife-work level. Anything can be a knife with the right mindset!

MacGuyver: 1 Bent/8hrs Applies a malleable kinetic field to a knife that allows it to be used as virtually any hand-held tool (screwdriver, hammer, saw, socket wrench, tweezers, planer, you name it.)

Invisiblade: 1 Bent. Makes a knife invisible for 1 hour. Careful you don’t cut yourself with it!


Grindstone fingers: Sharpen any blade by running your fingers over the edge.

Blade Body: allows one (1) knifelike object to be absorbed by the body per five (5) levels of Knife Work. Absorbed knives can partially or completely emerge from either palm, or with practice, from other parts of the body. Speed dependent on practice.

May make the user slightly magnetic.

Razor’s Edge: User gives off a passive kinetic field that increases the durability of knives, and raises their sharpness when threatened.


Tommy Littlefield

Mutation- I am the knife: Enables you to harden and sharpen certain body parts into perfect natural weapons (nails finger tips toes tongue even penis if that’s what ya into 🤷🏻‍♂️) ‘Never be caught unarmed in a fight again’ Offered because his knife body absorb skill maximum sharpness, hardness, flexibility, durability etc dependent on currently absorbed knifes in body


Sword breaker: ABILITY: any knife you wield gains an invisible kinetic field in the shape of a sword breaker along its back edge, allowing you to catch incoming attacks even if the blade lacks a cross guard. Increases STR by (1+knifework level) when attempting to parry or block with such a blade. Cost(1 bent per three successful blocks and/or parries) possibility of breaking weapons of lessor quality equal to (1/2 knife work x (1+(.01 per degree of quality difference)) when a successful block is achieved.


ABILITY: flurry of knives: when ever you throw a knife, you may pay one bent to conjure a number of duplicates equal to (knife work x Dupdomancy) moving in a tight cone alone the direction of the original blade.

David Burchfield

Fear the Reaper: Ability gain a stacking buff for each intelligent foe you kill and consume using only knife work. Basically gain increased speed, accuracy, power, and insight each time you kill someone in a knife fight (and then consume them using consume aftwards). At very high levels may have more of a genosian/necromancy/shaman flavor to some of the ability (spotting weak points, spiritual poison procs, samurai style slicing through anything but with a knife). Requires Genosian Language (and may some of his vampire abilities). Remember everyone Calvin wants to be a Mage Lord a Wizard King, he doesn't need back alley dirty fighting (ok it actually would probably be very useful), he needs abilities with high end scaling and dramatic unfair effects at the high end (even if they start off weak).


MUTATION: Dance of the Cobra: gain increased flexibility, reaction speed, and the ability to physically exert yourself at maximum output for upwards of 20minutes(time rises as insurance increases(this is compared to a normal human))before beginning to acquire muscle fatigue. (Like most snakes can). WARNING: may cause minor Nagafication including but not limited too, loss of gag reflex, ability to unhinge jaw, fang growth, ability to spit poison, ability to see into the infrared spectrum, etc.


MUTATIONS: Horizon’s edge: every time you land a killing blow with a knife, the edge temporarily takes on the characteristics of the event horizon of a black hole, and the tiniest sliver of matter is converted into energy, granting you knife work/5 bent rounded down. In addition, the intense gravity of such an event rips the targets body apart from the inside out. WARNING: may briefly cause subject to enter a state where they experience the whole of their lives at once as time compresses down to a single point. The user will not remember any of this, but it can have serious debilitating effects on their psyche.

David Burchfield

Very Similar to some others listed Bent Drinker: Gain all of victim's unspent bent when you kill them with a knife. (Key to many great sacrificial rituals) Call me Magneto: May magnetically manipulate knifes (requires blade body), may unlock more powerful magnetic manipulation powers later or in other trees.


Mutation: Nature's Edge (or whatever. meme name could be something like Et tu? or Nosfer et tu?) Allows for slight shapeshifting, extrending, and hardening of any appendage (wink, wink) to turn the users body into a deadly weapon. May cause vampirism. You'll have to change the wording probably, just could basically extend fingers and nails, and turn them into claws/blades, along with toes and toenails, tongue, penis if you feel so inclined. You could also let it make knee spikes , heel spikes, elbow spikes (or blades O: ? ) knuckle spikes or just hardening. You could also make it so that any sharp objects he uses or creates are harder, longer, and sharper, which could buff his wasps indirectly. Lots of ideas for that type of deal.


Mutation: I Studied the Blade - Allows for one extra dagger to be hidden within your body for every 5 levels (2 per 5 levels). Gain body (or something like Elas skin ability) per dagger absorbed in your body. (or you could make it scale with the daggers strength itself, giving him a reason to search for daggers or have them made. This could indirectly buff his swarm, by making his wasps have extra body while he's in the swarm)

Ryan Naquin

That's not a knife, This is a knife. : while holding a knife adds knifework and acting's correction when trying to intimidate an opponent. A little fear at just the right time can be deadly.


Mutation. On the edge: Cut yourself to increase physical abilities based on severity of the wound. Small wounds 5%. Moderate wounds 20%. Large wounds 60%. Fatal wounds 200%


Buffs stack


Alternatively: Increase the difficulty and make this his Mind stacking ability. (Mutation) Honing Your Killing Edge: Kill someone with more Breaks than you with only [stealth and] knife work and consume them afterward to increase your Mind by 1 as a permanent stacking buff. The process completely digests the corpse, making it unavailable for Chained Spirit. (May cause vampirism)


Cutting words : for 1 bent know the phrase that will hurt a target the most at that moment comes from synergy with read expression

Adrian Gorgey

One with the Blade: Unlocked by Beli ma and blade body mutation. It allows him to imbue blades attached to his body with a sharpening field of Bent that circulates back into his body, in the same way Beli ma does. This ability would be essential in allowing his knives to harm Legends.

Zach Collins

I posted earlier but i don't think it went through so I'm posting an amended version. Ritual Knife- passively summon those you have recently killed with a knife as a temporary chained spirit lasting x level chained spirit. This version is purely a physical construct and has no real mind to it. Spend 1 bent for kill to retain/ regain a consciousness of its own. Like my Knife, I'm very (A)cute(Mutation). Mind based attacks directed at the user now accrue retribution damage based off level of Knife work. Grants a small bonus towards talking with girls while holding a knife. That not a Knife, THIS is a Knife. Your Opponent looks at the spoon confused before you stab them with it. Passively make your knives and improvised knife like weapons more 'knifey' by x level knife-works. Spend 1 bent to grant the qualities/ properties of a knife to other items, substances or materials. E.g. Burning thermite with a 'edge' and a 'handle' so it can be held. Cut from the Same Cloth(mutation). Those you kill with a knife you now gain natural insight/ intuition on those of their family or similar blood relations. Good for knowing about those that want to revenge for you killing their family. No pattern at all.