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This is what we have currently. A few more couldn't hurt.


A mile in his shoes: 1 Bent to disguise yourself as the target for an hour, including voice and tactile effects. Does not lend supernatural knowledge of the targets’ mental state.

Good for sleeping with other men’s wives, if that’s included in the mile.

Infectious emoting: 2 Bent. Act out an emotional state (Anger, Calm, Sadness, Happiness, Defeatism, Courage, etc.) and watch it spread like wildfire!

Good for wars, orations, In-laws and Cutesiñeras

Confidence: At will, speak with such surety that people want to believe you. Even when they know they shouldn’t. Causes victims to build belief and make assumptions based on your statements if they aren’t paying close attention.

Good for lying. At its heart, Acting is the art of lying with confidence.


Me myself, And I: design up to five alter egos. Each one may be a different race or gender, changing your body when they assume control. Pro: Can fool rigorous magical testing to determine your identity or locate you. Con: stay on good terms and ask nicely for your body back.

Ironclad disguise. Possibly wake up married with kids.

One of the Guys: At will, take a snapshot of every humanoid within 100 feet. Your race and gender become the average values of theirs until the ability is dismissed. Pros: Extreme duration. Con: dependent on environment.

Good for hiding amongst nuns…or lizard-people…or any homogeneous group of humanoids, really.

Mesmerizing Eyes: capture a target’s attention for as long as eye contact is maintained, causing increased suggestibility and memory lapse. Intuition resisted by Will.

Side effects may include vampirism and Dry-eye.



Doesn't Calvin already have One of the Guys?


yes, he does, this is a copypasta from the first selection. don't mind it, i'm not gonna double choose it. i figured it would be good to keep it there so nobody makes another one by accident.


Prince Charming: (requires 1 bent) Conform your personality easier to the expectations of any person or crowd. Allows greater charisma with large crowds or *ahem* panty snatching if your up to it. Cons: The personality, if taken, will stay that way while in the presence of the intended target.

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

Method: by observing someone else a suffient amount of time you can then copy their ability for a short period of time at reduced power


Is 2day another chapter day or are we getting one New Year's or after it? I'm so excited about the story.

Talespinner Lore

You know, there is *a lot* of mutations that apparently cause vampyrism.

Sean Austin Gartland

Persona: you can make a script that you will follow. If you put down that your mother is a cat then you will believe that or any phobias or whatevs.

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

I don't know why but I like the Idea of an guy on the spectrum with a bunch of social abilities that make him better at social interactions than most people its ironic


Part of the cast: Act like you belong and everyone else will come up with a reason why you do and a backstory for you.


Me Myself and I is a *spectacularly* bad idea now that Nadia lives in Calvin's head; MMI + One of the Guys would give Nadia her life back.


Empathem: know what your audience feels


I mean that's kinda what happens to some people on the spectrum - in the end, being "good with people" is just another skill. You can learn it the same way as you'd learn math: by reading a lot of background material (there's a ton of books on the subject - How to Make Friends and Influence People is just the most popular), trying a lot, and failing a lot. It's hard, and you have to work really hard at it in order to not come off as creepy and manipulative, but it's definitely a thing you can learn.


Or something like - Kuroko mode: you fade into the background, becoming hard to notice


i don't know, man, i just saw abilities that were typically attributed to vampires, and was like, that sounds like fun.


King in Yellow: a play begins. The actors speak of Lost Carcosa. The audience is enraptured. There is death - but is it art? Fingers begin to intrude from the corners and the edges. The doors are sealed. Your bent begins to drain away.

Talespinner Lore

Who, Me?: 2 Bent to deflect the suspicions of all people within earshot of a verbal denial for (Level*5 minutes). Has a higher chance of failing on a person-to-person basis dependant on the target's Stability. "Me? I would never!" Pros: Can allow the user to easily infiltrate guarded environments, or to shift blame to another target. Cons: Those with highly logical mindsets may notice incongruencies faster than others, and it may fail if there is nothing else for the target's suspicions to latch onto in their immediate vicinity.


Playing possum: Spend Bent to prevent damage and simulate it instead. You will not be able to act otherwise until time limit expires or you dismiss it. Prop master: Pretend that an item is something specific and everyone around you will believe it. Good for the old switcheroo.


Po-mo FOMO: You can spout off contagious nonsense.


Quick-change artistry: you can permanently store up to N outfits. At will, you can replace your current clothing with that outfit.

Talespinner Lore

or something. I just found the name funny due the amount of shows/movies this trope shows up in.

Chad B. Sonnen

Mutation: The power of beliefs: Popular beliefs of the populace in 100mile radius affects the users ability and temprament. Belief must exist in 60% of population for boost to take effect. WILL resist any undesirable mental affects on the user. I.e. for exmaple, if enough poplace beleive that Calvin is a left handed tyrant king with red demon eyes. The ability will allow Calvin to profeciently uses his left hand as well as making him more tyranical, the demon eye will actually manifest giving him boon and drawbacks with the said new eyes. WILL resist any severe mental changes and tampering by the ability. Also, if they believe that you have goat feet then you have goat feet. Lol I really hope that future abilities have both boon and drawbacks, making Calvin choose more carefully and making the story more fun that way, Calvin having to live with his choices.


King of the Mask: Mutation: Your mind is restructured to double thinking. Your concious basically has two layers. A layer onto which you can create a persona and a deeper layer which controls that layer. Essentially it can allow things like letting you lie thinking it is the truth but your also know it isn't at the same time. -This mutation has synergy with persona mutations.

Chad B. Sonnen

Script Director: Use 1 bent on multiple targets to effectively project all plans and the vission of an play/movie script straight to their brain for them to analyse and peruse. If the actors are able to deliver, is another story. Can be adapted for use in real battles or in heist- you son of a bitch.

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

Man of many hats: Causes others to think your someone else or use your appearance to fill in a backstory for you. Based on costume not appearance. You can be as important as you want. Only if you have the appropriate fancy hat though, it's funnier that way (doesn't have to be the right hat just enough to give the hint, like a paper crown makes you royal or a tea cup make you a guest of the party or a sign on your chest saying not suspicious makes you overlooked if they are guards and you are up to no good)


Work a crowd : able to convince other people that your points are more genuine because you believe them to be. (Works great for merchants peddling products or politicians)


Plausible Deniability - 'Absurd' phenomenon you directly cause, with 'Absurd' defined by the observer, can optionally have a (correction %) chance for the observer to dismiss out of hand as not real, a rationalization quickly forming in their mind to explain it away.