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It's been awhile since the first iteration, lets have some extra oddballs we can throw in there.



Some sorta psuedo mind reading thing, knowing what girls want // want you to say. Foot out of Mouth. Maybe some sort of hypnosis, ASMR


This Perk Raises Uncomfortable Questions: Talking to Girls now applies to all humans. Especially Grant. Edit: could also call it "Bromance" if you want less of a meta name


Long distance relationship: Can talk to girls over long distances


Long Distance Relationship: when you touch a girl, you can speak to her at a range of 100 meters for the next hour. Edit: whoops, must've posted at the same time as @Amelgar


The classic; When speaking to girl's you can tell on a range of 1-100 their level of attraction to you.


To build off of the hypno idea - Eyes on Me Ladies: an action taken to impress or grab attention from the opposite sex causes them to be briefly mesmerized by the action


Talk Therapy: you can help a girl restore her Bent more quickly by having an empathetic and soothing conversation with her.


Ability mutation; Name: "No! No! Yes!!!" Flavor text: "No doesn't always mean no" Effect: When talking to girls, you are able to read their surface thoughts. Effect modifier: Increased effectiveness with high emotions.


some of these make me very uncomfortable, and that makes me laugh.


I like this. Our MC doesn't really have a strict support skill


Girlish Figure: Pay 30 (or some other obscenely high quantity) Bent to permanently turn the target into a girl of algorithmically appropriate age (1/2 + 7)

Tommy Littlefield

Making some bent! After successfully talking a girl into intercourse can choose to temporarily sacrifice your fertility to rapidly increase bent regeneration of girl (Compounds with the bent lady vampire thing cause he can recharge his girls through sex)


Bro's before hoes: Flavor Text: dude a friend who doesn't work with shafts would do you good. Effect: When talking to guys you gain extra charisma, if you tell a story about a recent sexual escapade, you gain 1 bent per person that believes you


This is Definitely Not a Metaphor: Pay 1 Bent to temporarily turn a willing girl into a weapon. That weapon's shape, attributes and effects are based on the girl's personality, abilities and skills. (from Utena and all those other shows where people turn into weapons for God knows what reason)


The more you drink: flavor text: the more drunk you are the more girls adore you. Need me to explain what a libido is? Its powerful. Effect: The more you drink the more women are to like you scaling exponentially, this also effects your libido.


Transcending Tongues: The more you communicate with a girl the more you understand what she likes. ^Language barriers need not apply...... or coherent noises.


Dream a Little Dream of Me: after touching a girl, you can share dreams and other mental spaces with her for the next 24 hours (would let Calvin pull girls into Shadow Boxing with him)


I Like Big Bents: a five minute conversation with a girl will grant them an X% increase to their Bent pool.


Henpecked Husband: 5% more likely to dodge projectiles from female target per level for the next 10 minutes.


Didn't quite catch that: Increase chance to fully resist mental manipulation from female sources. Also increases chance to cause uncontrollable periodic deafness when a female is speaking.

Sean Austin Gartland

Haremist: You can more easily manage large groups of girls. He needs this.


This is wrong on many levels. Hitting On Girls: Increase of 5% damage to women per skill level. Doki Doki: 3 bent. Your words can make a woman's heart flutter. Then stop. (From Acting)


Hmmmm…. how about "Confidence is Key." As long as he's in the presence of a girl he gains a boost to his ability to influence people. Might synergize with Acting. Might also be a way of projecting intentions such as bloodlust or a regal bearing for once he does his Wizard King thing.


Man-eater eater, when in conflict with a dominant woman, either gain a boost to will power, (or maybe a boost to consume/bent sucking so that you can more effectively drain them offensively? Maybe no need for physical touch?)

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

smooth talker: can skillfully redirect the conversation to wanted topics or extract information/ convince others to do things( basically reinforces talking to girls but also expands it to others regardless of gender)


Walk it like I talk it: Your mannerisms and physical characteristics shift to match the target female's desires.


I’m talking here! : Decreases chance to be interrupted while talking to girls. < could be used for a break midcombat as long as he keeps talking


60 minute man: cost 1 bent user can in ignore the effects of fatigue and muscle strain as well as gaining almost complete control of all body functions for 60 minutes. Warning do not over use. — gives you so much stamina they might as well call you lovin dan

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

its not whats on the outside: appear more atractive and will cause women to ignore appearance effect is cumulative with exposure effects are directly reflective of ttgs skill level


You could make it like a game mechanic with a heart over their head that glows or dims with the level of their attraction


Twilight Effect: (mutation): Increase the talking to girls modifier by 5% for each mutation you have. Side effect: paler and sparkles. May cause vamparism


Knight in Shining Armor: "Talking to Girls" and "Your Princess is in Another Castles" combine levels when ever the effects apply to princesses


Rippling Abs: (mutation) able to mezmorize girls by removing your shirt. Strength and duration of effect based on body score. Side effect: eight pac

Talespinner Lore

Effect is increased by the proportion of his body hidden from sight by a reflective material. (Full armour = 100% buff. ) "Now where'd I put my tinfoil hat?"


Give Her the D: (mutation) able to store one extra blade inside a girl through touch. (from Blade Body)

Max Lopo

You got moves, girl : when talking or interacting with girls gains the ability, by reading voice and minute body language, to correctly estimate intentions, truthfulness, mood and other clues.


The Tom Special: For 1 Bent per x minutes, grants user a "normalization aura" that only works on women. (Why talk to girls when you can watch them?)