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Tomorrow I'm going to a 3-day Halloween party, then probably D&D after. Sorry for such a tiny week of updates, but life is what it is, and as much as I like you guys, I'm not passing up on the iota of a chance of freaky costume sex for you. I'll be back in the saddle next week, but I suspect the holidays are gonna cause a bit of a slowdown in general.

Since I'll be gone for a long time, feel free to post your gripes about what I'm doing wrong with the two stories in the comments. I had several tiny flashes of insight with the last chapter's huge amount of comments. Tiny ones. I'm not Mr. Insight.

Also, any ideas for how to square a perfectly split vote between two patrons in an interesting way? I was thinking Steven Universe style fusion, but that got laughed at.



Just pick whichever god you want man, if you do a zany solution you could piss off 100% of your readers but it you pick one you can only disappoint half.


As long as your story stays unique and stays away from the beaten path (almost) everyone won't care which God you pick.


There, I broke the tie. Hope you're happy. Edit: Some guy tried to make it a tie again, so I switched my vote. PROBLEM SOLVED. Edit 2: Okay, someone is just trying to be an asshole at this point.

David Burchfield

I was thinking more along the lines of she is indecisive and shy and the gods go over her head a make a deal splitting her, giving her one blessing a piece. Kind of like what happened with Al's class.


Could even become a tradition for Garth's Apprentice, as like a distinct class of its own.


You're "Taking time away to find inspiration for your writing." I'm pretty sure thats the politically correct version. Go party and live a little. You can't let your characters have all the fun.


I expect at least one “I got laid story” side story’ with her permission of course


I agree it could be like she picks Elora and then Eloras like I know you wanted to pick Tom so I got an idea , and then makes her a class that specializes in stealth suit creation and use. I would like to see Caitlyn in a more active role as well, more like James Bond and Q all rolled into one instead of just Q