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Your Princess is in Another Castle Poll

  • Stockholm Syndrome 14
  • Safe and Sound 14
  • Save the Last Dance 29
  • True Love's Kiss 37
  • Bloodline 47
  • Wolf in Sheeps Clothing 8
  • The Bowser 66
  • 2019-10-16
  • 215 votes
{'title': 'Your Princess is in Another Castle Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Stockholm Syndrome', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Safe and Sound', 'votes': 14}, {'text': 'Save the Last Dance', 'votes': 29}, {'text': "True Love's Kiss", 'votes': 37}, {'text': 'Bloodline', 'votes': 47}, {'text': 'Wolf in Sheeps Clothing', 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'The Bowser', 'votes': 66}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 10, 16, 22, 26, 25, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 215}


Stockholm Syndrome: YPiiAC correction now also applies to the emotional bonding of captive princesses with the User, as well as the resulting alliegance.

^Yeah, it's a real thing. Damn ugly IRL, tho.

Safe and Sound:  YPiiAC correction now also applies damage reduction to princesses allied with you or in your custody. no distance limitations. Complete damage negation not possible.

Formula: (Damage) / (1+Correction)  I.E. at 100% correction, princesses take 50% damage.

^ did you know aging is a form of damage to your DNA? Food for thought if you want your princesses well-preserved, kid. 

Save the Last Dance: 4 Bent to begin a dance with a princess that cannot be interrupted. As long as both participants continue to dance, they are immune to physical attacks, physical restrictions, Bent abilities, mental manipulation, etc.

^ Good for moonwalking out of trouble.

True Love's Kiss:  2 Bent, heals a princess of any curses, poisons, or afflictions, including foreign Bent, restores  condition and heals similar to a week's bed rest, potentially sealing otherwise lethal wounds.  Consumes princess' remaining Bent, but restores User's Bent at level/10 efficiency. 


Bloodline: Consume Princess blood to potentially gain access to Skills and Abilities unique to their bloodline.

Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: User is able to adopt a role that make them appear to belong in a given setting, and behave in a way that draws no attention as they aim for the princess...  From Acting, Talking to Girls and One of the Guys 

The Bowser: Each time the User successfully kidnaps a princess, they receive a permanent +2 to their Body. (retroactive) Once per princess.

^Current bonus +6 to Body

Honorable mention:

This is my Castle: For 20 Bent summon a flying castle to keep your conquests safe! Lasts one week before another 20 Bent is required to maintain the castle, or it floats to the ground and dissapears over 24 hours. Square footage ia Skill level raised to the power of (number of captured princessess) times 10.  Unlocks new upgrades every 100 thousand square feet. Max size 1 million square feet.

^Current size (5^2)X10, or 250 square feet.

Author's note:
Sorry guys, a floating castle feels like it will derail the story, at least for now. I know it was popular, though, so I detailed out a description, and there's a chance the ability will get shuffled in later at a higher level of YPiiAC, especially if a floating castle becomes necessary to fight the hordes of mind-controlled/undead in the future.

for those worried about the square footage:

(20^3)*10 = 80,000 Sq feet

(20^4)*10 -1,600,000 sq feet.

number of princesses is the single most important factor, although I don't really plan on getting more than 3. We'll see what happens. At a cubic rate, he gets his first upgrade around lvl 22, then 28, then 32..

at a quadratic rate, he maxes out at lvl 18, which is way too fast.

if someone wants to take a stab at a more balanced system for the castle, they're welcome in the comment's below



Bloodline is great but it looks like one of those "may result in vampirism" things Cal avoids. Also I think the phrase "Yippee Ki Yay Mother fucker" should involved somehow, since that's what I think of every time I see the acronym.


Bloodline has so much potential it’s ridiculous.


What kind of bloodline restricted skills/abilities is Calvin aware of with his current set?


I like allot of these but honestly think he is only going to be able to progress with Nadia once he gets Stockholms. Otherwise he is dealing with an 8th break royal with mind powers.


Save the Last Dance seems like it needs editing to prohibit attacking, because I could see abusing it by stabbing baddies during a dance. Even just learning the fundamentals of Capoeira would probably qualify as a dance and allow the user to fight an army endlessly with a partner.


Also does his sister count, in the princess count. He doesn't know but she is a princess. It would be a good little bit of irony for him to keep questioning.


Is she still a princess if she is dead. I figured she is and ex-princess at that point


Also, True Loves Kiss needs an order of operation and a ruling on rounding for bent (I assume they only come in whole increments)


Iron Skin, maybe? idunno. I have nothing in mind for that particular ability, so from a writer's persepctive, the ability is a little irritating, because i'll have to come up with bloodline abilities.


I think it depends on how the skill defines a princess, if it is the strict definition, "the daughter of a monarch" then the Chained Spirit does not qualify, because it is bent construct (strictly speaking)


I assumed this only worked for intelligent beasts (like a dragon princess) or the daughter of an alpha wolf or something like that


That's a good point, because if it isn't that. Calvin could potentially hypnotize himself into believing certain individuals are princesses and get bonuses for that. Or there could be a special princess tag in their respective system that identifies them. As long as the king doesn't revoke it she would count. However if he did revoke it would her behavior change back or would it stay altered? Moreover she is a freaking mind mage. Is it a little presumptive that a low level skill from a dude with slightly above average intuition would even affect her?


This is my Castle (Ritual Enchantment): Use all your bent every day in the creation of a castle fitting of your princesses. The castle gets a number of abilities based off the number of princess captured. All abilities are powered through the bent of resident princesses. 1st ability (Mandatory): a Princesses abode, drain bent from princesses in the room to power the castles ability. 2nd: choose ability, floating, barrier, canons, healing ^Totally not creepy how you built a home for the woman you kidnapped. On the other hand Wizard Tower.


This way you can balance each ability individually and it is all balanced by the fact you have to have willing princesses powering it. How to balance those things IDK but this way the entire castle doesn't disappear if he is nocked out in battle and has to recover.

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

bowser bc emotional manipulation like mind control is just sad and creepy. Plus this whole canabalism thing is getting out of hand lol


I'd say this is the perfect time to retcon a memory of them playing princess and villains at the village, but honest truth is she'd kick his ass and he'd be the damsel in distress there.

A disgruntled nondescript squirrel

I just realized, your still trying to sneakily turn him into a vampire. Or the VOice in his head is. Almost every time one of these skill selections pop up there are more vampire like traits mixed in


I'm down for vampy powers


If he could get the girls to pick up a Bladedance ability, it would be -insane-