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I think I calculated that his next Break would go entirely to his base stats if he had his way, but of course we can never let the main character have what they want without performing an amusing dance for us.
I want to get Body to 10 to unlock some higher tier mutations and abilities, but some of the points meant to go into Mind could probably be spent elsewhere.

so as for the theorycrafting, What kind of Skills do you think Calvin should/Could get this Break, and why? I know he doesn't have a defensive skill, but I'm a little hesitant to give him one, because the threat of dying is an excellent motivator. Although I think we're getting to the point where his survival is becoming difficult to believe without a few basic defensive abilities.

So go ahead and put forward utility and defensive Skills you think he might pick up this time around. Keep in mind that fun and creative is more important than OP.



some type of eating skill forced on him by the army after they learn more about his summoning skills


possible mutation could be to turn stomach into a type of spatial storage but he needs to vomit things up to use them

Tommy Littlefield

He could get the illusion magic from a captured enemy so that way he has some of each type of magic to mix into and make his unique magic skills also illusion would double as defense in a way 🤷🏻‍♂️


I was literally just thinking something along those same lines. Maybe couple it with some sort of rapid healing based on caloric intake that has a shitty ratio at level 1 but gets more efficient as he levels it. Also could lead to some interesting mutations like biomass storage for burst healing or "you are what you eat" where he can start to develop traits of things he consumes frequently(negative and positive of course)

Tommy Littlefield

For a straight defense if it’s possible get his girl to teach him the iron skin skill if possible but I don’t know if it even is 🤷🏻‍♂️

Tommy Littlefield

A magic skill that temporarily reduces a materials mass but doesn’t reduce its actual size or properties (just cause it would make his already overpowered skill even worse with the synergy)


Maybe he could learn some sort of cqc martial art, but one that is 95% about dodging and redirecting attacks/ controlling the field to give yourself a favorable advantage (I have the high ground!). Would be feasible for him to learn it since he’s got the attention of some high up veterans in the military who might know it themselves, know someone who does, or know of a method to unlock it


In terms of mutations (or maybe a synergy with a future skill?) he could get one for duplomancy that lets him (automatically?) do things like duplicate lost blood/body tissues as a sort of field triage to keep him going until he’s not in a fight/till he can get to a proper medic. Downside would be he might get risky with using it and bandaide over too many serious wounds, so that when it wears of there’s a good chance he comes close to instantly dying


This option could also provide a nice platform for him to find himself in situations where he can use knife handling


A great defensive skill for him to get would be something that boosts those defending him, like "Meat Shield Wielding." : ) That could merge pretty well with chained spirit as well, him using a summon as a meat shield.


That could lead to things like dispersion of damage across summons, or sacrificial summons or something.


Spread the damage he takes among his summons


A hand to hand/martial/dodging etc skill and maybe a leadership skill seem like something the army would try to push him into. An eating skill seems like a great idea with his summoning could maybe recover bent or health at higher levels maybe have a crossover like with calvinian summoning. Maybe Elliot could be spewing some technobabble and accidentally give him a skill that would let him better interact with robots/AI like in the outpost/rest stop or whatever it was he and Ella found. I could definitely see him accidentally levelling talking to girls but maybe some noble type skill since he spends so much time with a princess? That might be interesting for a possible advancement to talking to girls actually. Could be a good idea to push meditation up a few levels since that lets him raise everything else, though that seems like a waste of warp if there’s no time crunch. Maybe Elliot could teach him some skill that would make achieving future breaks easier, maybe something to store/attract/manipulate warp or something. I’ll try and think of some more


Some kind of riding skill could be good to aid in his attempts to mount his summons. Could merge into something where they don’t tear him or his friends apart accidentally


I feel like his sneaking skill could use a little love, like others have said maybe he could steal some illusion magic and they could pair well together.

Austin Gibbs

Stealth Mutation: beggers steps permanent decrease in regard for everyone who See's you + flat 40% to Stealth activity


Holy shit this is a lot. I go make popcorn and this thing explodes!


In terms of something unwanted that he might accidentally get that could interesting the future. Maybe some kind of skill that lets him recover faster since he’s injured going into his break. A skill that lets him sleep less because of the strict conditions of the army, could pair well with meditation. Could definitely see him accidentally picking up an alchemy related skill from thinking about new stuff to use mass splitting on from inspecting his new fireball bone thing heightened emotions and all that. Could also be some kind of indenting skill.


Honestly though it might be much more efficient to get a bunch of skills rather than increasing his stats right? If warped skills increase stats when they level and he can bring any skill up to the level of meditation given some downtime he could massively increase his stats by getting a bunch of skills and levelling them, he has the warp for it after all. It wouldn’t be a valid thing for most people to do since a lot of skills would require bent to fuel and spreading yourself too thin skills wise would mean you have really low bent reserves and you take forever to level skills because of that. That type of progression would be almost too perfect for Cal though, unless there’s a hard cap on skills or something.


Am I just forgetting how skills boost attributes though? Because if not wouldn’t getting 27 skills or something be much more valuable than increasing his attributes by that amount since he would be able to get so many more attributes and get a bunch of skills out of it? Might be a bit more difficult to handle writing wise, which is understandable.

Enaz the great

Skill :smooth talker :gain an initiate sense of what to say to achieve a specific purpose . Speak sense and voice becomes more pleasing per skill level


Elliot's been talking to him a lot and giving him advice. Maybe he should get a skill for it? I'm thinking something like "Spiritual Guidance: when the voices in your head say duck, you duck".


I think he should learn a magic skill for defense, like "magnomancy", where he can magnetically control the metal around him as shields. This would work especially well against the general.


A mutation for talking to girls based on his bond that increases his max bend or bend regeneration based on how many girls he's "bonded" with


Provocative: Lovers love you. Haters... attack on sight


Stored perception- not quite sure how this is going to work but calvin can tell what people feel when they look at him. So now this little baby lets him store that hate/admiration/fear/love for later and use it to make everyone observing you feel the same.


Ella’s paralysing bolt spell could be a good one to learn too


I was thinking maybe he messes with the parts from the robot and gets a robotics skill giving him more minions to summon