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The apocalypse begins.

The original intention of Jean One was to be the first of a kind of hybrid human killing machine...Kind of like Species...a dumb alien movie from the nineties whose only saving grace was the supermodels.

So the question is, what direction should we go with her?

Lolimaggedon: Stuck at 12-ish years of age, superpowerful, natural inclination to exerminate humans. (except mommy) possible vomit reproduction.

Like her Dad: Grows to adult size super fast, then goes off on her own to eat people and replace them with fakes she regurgitates. could become a problem.

WTF MACRO: Don't go making a baby the antagonist. she's an adorable slice of pie that needs to be one of the good guys. Let the Dan Ui's mercenaries or whoever fill that role.


Benjamin Walsh

I think it would be better if she was open to eating any species.... since the goblins have spread to multiple planets, it would be great if Jean’s babies ate Elves and Corios...


I think the idea of natural reproduction making a killing machine like the Marc One is a bit silly. She should obviously be dangerous, but eating and replacing seems like a Hunter Killer thing. Maybe make her more insidious but less obviously evil; she is a vampire like creature, she can consume blood (or other bodily fluid gigity) to dopel that person. She can also completely drain a person to steal a percentage of their power and ingrained skills (but no access to mental states or information). That way, she can go either way, but she remains relatively unique.


Just a question but can’t she not go after humans but more like go after elves and any alien life forms that are on earth? Would she kill Garth if the baby saw him? Wouldn’t this issue back fire on him?


I kind of don't like that this came out of something questionably positive like Jellybean's relationship with the dopplegobbos.


But I guess if you gotta have evil children you gotta have evil children. Vote cast.


Maybe give her urges but controllable ones. I kind of feel the hunter-killer ancestry could be interesting but going full blown is a little too much.


Thematically I'd guess that Beladia was involved in her birth somehow, which makes me think that Jean One's existence should somehow result in a proliferation of life. I dunno if being a fearsome human hunter-killer boogeyman is conducive to that. Also, is she still gonna extract heartstones and shove them in her belly? Is her belly still connected to the Garth-aid factory?


We have to keep in mind that if Marc One can have a human hybrid baby then it means there can be more babies from more goblin killers. means whatever is decided will be the default for any goblin killer human hybrids. the most effective mix for a potential hybrid race would be for the baby(s) to take human form from the mother and a taste for goblin flesh from their goblin hunter father but no vomit reproduction. maybe a faster level up rate from killing goblins. Definitely more intelligent than the goblin hunters.

Max Lopo

To be fair.... She could very well be a bit of a mix, but I don't see why she has to be powerful. If anything, hybrids tend to be massively prone to genetic defects. Just make her fun. We can use some fun. Also, since his brother left a marker for him, so that he could SEE what really happened in the last 800 years, I suggest you don't postpone that story thread too much. It's pretty grating that it's not his main focus, sounds VERY weird.


Make Garth break the system limits please, lol he literally has an instructor that has been making new body's super powerful for eons without using the mainstream tier methods, cal should be able to tell Garth how to exceed all limits...


wow, didn't expect the response. I'll compile the suggestions for a new vote.


Why would goblin Hunter Killers who reproduce by puking up copies of themselves be able to get anyone preggers? If this is related to your previously mentioned human trait of being able to give birth to any aliens babies, then I think there's also precedent for how the babies should turn out. But I mean if you wanna wrap up the story, having Garth accidentally kill the whole human race isn't a bad way to do it, pretty definitive.


it's because humans can breed with anything 'cuz they're horny buggers. you guys are focusing too much on Mark one and failed to remember that humans are unique in the multiverse in that they have a very high tolerance for drugs and can and will fuck just about anything.

a passing Fnord

Even if humans have the universal pervert fertility, wouldn't the other hunter killers view Jean as a mutant offspring and be compelled to kill her?