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I was lukewarm on any one in particular so you get to choose! except the multiple personality one. It's cool, but I don't wanna do it. Too complicated. I took what I could, and bastardized a lot of them, don't be upset if yours didn't make it in here, there were a ton of disguise abilities, ya know? it is acting, after all.


A mile in his shoes: 1 Bent to disguise yourself as the target for an hour, including voice and tactile effects. Does not lend supernatural knowledge of the targets’ mental state.

Good for sleeping with other men’s wives, if that’s included in the mile.

Infectious emoting: 2 Bent. Act out an emotional state (Anger, Calm, Sadness, Happiness, Defeatism, Courage, etc.) and watch it spread like wildfire!

Good for wars, orations, In-laws and Cutesiñeras

Confidence: At will, speak with such surety that people want to believe you. Even when they know they shouldn’t. Causes victims to build belief and make assumptions based on your statements if they aren’t paying close attention.

Good for lying. At its heart, Acting is the art of lying with confidence.


Me myself, And I: design up to five alter egos. Each one may be a different race or gender, changing your body when they assume control. Pro: Can fool rigorous magical testing to determine your identity or locate you. Con: stay on good terms and ask nicely for your body back.

Ironclad disguise. Possibly wake up married with kids.

One of the Guys: At will, take a snapshot of every humanoid within 100 feet. Your race and gender become the average values of theirs until the ability is dismissed. Pros: Extreme duration. Con: dependent on environment.

Good for hiding amongst nuns…or lizard-people…or any homogeneous group of humanoids, really.

Mesmerizing Eyes: capture a target’s attention for as long as eye contact is maintained, causing increased suggestability and memory lapse. Intuition resisted by Will.

Side effects may include Vampirism and Dry-eye.


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