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Will's going to get his first Secondary Ability at level 10.

Here are the options he got when he was originally offered them, minus the ones he has now.

Stone charge

Mighty Leap

Prey’s Senses


Can you guys think of any other secondary abilities we could offer Will when he hits lvl 10? I might grab one or two from the comments.

As always, instant win buttons that take over the story are unlikely to be included.

Keep in mind, secondaries are added every 10 levels, and are afforded 1 upgrade every 10 levels, so it won't get better until he hits lvl 20.



Inertial state - it is harder for outside forces to change the inertia of the user. Could be active or passive with active costing charges and passive bringing about unexpected negatives like making it more difficult to ride in a vehicle


Heard mentality- able to more easily work with allies