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Google Ads & Privacy Concerns

  • Yes, you may give my email to Google Ads 263
  • No, you may not give my email to Google Ads 188
  • 2024-04-14
  • 451 votes
{'title': 'Google Ads & Privacy Concerns', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes, you may give my email to Google Ads', 'votes': 263}, {'text': 'No, you may not give my email to Google Ads', 'votes': 188}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 14, 19, 24, 2, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 451}


So I've been learning to use Google Ads, trying to figure out how advertising works and grow my skills as a self-employed author, and I came across this intriguing option that they have.

It's called Customer Match Lists.

I feed them a selection of people, they build a demographic profile based on that, and target my ad more specifically to people who largely match that demographic.

Where the Privacy Concerns come in:

In order to do that, I need to give Google a list of emails who have something in common. Your Emails, specifically.

Now I know Google already has EVERYONE's email, and this is just compiling a list of people with stuff in common from the list they already have, but I am NOT going to give them anyone's email without that person's permission.

Now, the purpose of the Poll: I can download Poll results from Patreon in the form of a spreadsheet and organize the data based on who chose what option.

If you are okay with me having google add you to a list to create targeted ads, click the Yes option. I will be able to scrape through the excel spreadsheet and take only people who said 'yes'.

If you are not: click 'no' or don't click anything at all. If you don't respond to the poll, your name doesn't show up in the list of results...on the off-chance you don't trust me/Google.

What this will do: Currently I am paying Google ~20 cents per click to direct traffic to Amazon. At that price, only 3% of people who click need to buy the book to break even.

If by building a profile of the kind of people who enjoy my work and excluding other demographics, we can bump the amount of sales per click up by even 1%, that's a huge difference, roughly 33% of the breakeven value, or 33 cents gained on each dollar spent.

Now this is all fantasy math until we see results, and I'm excited to see what this will do, but again, I am NOT going to give them anyone's email without that person's permission.

So, with all that being said, may I have your permission to give your email to Google ads?



Whatever keeps you writing author man


I always buy the latest book as a hopeless completionist