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Hey everyone,

So the good news is I have the tool working and it’s linked to the game. I can now call and ask for dialogue from a template and blend and mix between dialogue pieces. It’s also set up to make writing this sort of character dialogue much easier for a writer so they don’t have to understand key features.

I still have a few bugs in the system and some features I want to add. I decided to hold off adding them until I have the main system working just because trying to fiddle with this might become too complex.

So what’s next.

I need to start building a universal character “brain” that will interpret the template files for me. Part of this process is going to be working with a writer to create the first character template. Once I can get a template and brain working together I should in theory be able to add another template into the existing brain to get a new character from it.

This will likely take several weeks. I will likely discover all the ways I managed to get this wrong so crossing fingers it will go smoothly but who knows. Because I”m going to have to do this with a writer I’ll likely spend a little time also doing some bug fixing when I’m waiting for some content.

I have a backlog of a few bugs. Fortunately most of them haven’t prevented players from finishing the game but I’d like to solve a few of the more sticky issues.

That’s all for now I’m going to get back to work but the new tool and editor is finally up and running!



