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Hey everyone,

Made good progress on the writing tool. It's not like ready to use yet but I now have a good plan on how it's going to work. Previously the system was I build a template and you go into the individual elements on that template and fill them out.

The new system is I have this writing tool. It lets a writer create the character dialogue and important elements. It turns this into a special file that the the templates can ask for. It's designed to be generic and will just look to see if there is text that matches the situation. The tool includes instructions on where this text will be seen in game. I have the GUI and basic writing tool working.

Obviously it's a bunch of work but the cool part is I can then plug a template into this master file. As I extend a template or add new game elements it can be updated as a part of the master file. This should also make it way easier for a writer to create content as they need to "edit" one single master file rather than work out how the game works.

So I'm going to be working on that for the next week but it's going well so far.

A few people might have seen that the Unity dev community is having a bit of a meltdown. The short version is Unity is updating their terms of service to change the cost structure of the engine. These changes are retro active to all products in market already distributed. While Unity claims that this won't effect smaller projects I find larger changes have a way of eventually filtering down to smaller developers. So while the planned changes won't directly impact this project. It would be more correct to say they don't impact this project... yet.

For the moment nothing changes and I'll just keep an eye on the situation. But the core concept of charging devs per user install are very troubling.

So back to work!




they backpedaled and came back for this whole thing of charging for the facilities