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Hey everyone,

First up just a quick project update just to keep transparent.

For most of the game the writing has been largely taken care of by Sophie & Pudding. They have also helped with the sequence scripting for certain character events.

They have their own projects and busy lives and haven't had the time to work on this project as much as they would like. Their relationship to the project has always been as contractors working directly to my requests when they could fit it in their schedule. They went above and beyond learning the custom tools needed and the challenges in working on this type of game. 

They are still involved with the project and will be continuing to write cool stuff but obviously for the moment a bunch of writing tasks will be falling back on me. They have an amazing podcast and write great stories so make sure you check out and support them if you can!

The good news is that we are 90% through the main story line and many of the characters have been left in a good place. I will be looking to chat with other writers / collaborators for side quests and continuing the major character relationships.

I’m enormously appreciative of the work that Sophie and Pudding have given to this project and I think they have done a fantastic job and I look forward to continuing to collaborate.

I just like to make sure to keep the community in the loop when there are likely changes or delays in different areas. I'm adjusting some of the tools to prepare to take on some of that work and provide easier ways to edit.

In terms of the project I've been doing a few different things. I decided I hate the strange figments with hands. It just wasn't working as a concept. In order for it to work with existing animations the hands had to be tiny and I was getting a bunch of errors. I'm experimenting with like some glowing caregivers but honestly I think I might be overthinking this whole thing.

I'll have one last experiment but I think it would be a better use of time to remove this like aethereal caregiver aspect from the otherworld and instead put time into turning the arcade into a location for ABDL scenes.

Just as a way to relax my mind I did a few tutorials on some of the software I use to create textures and I think I found a better way to make outfits that could speed things up a bit. I've noticed I need more clothing options especially little clothing options.

If you're not interesting in some of the technical details just skip ahead. But I found a way to "paint" a master mask for clothing areas I can then match materials and details onto. What I found is a way to link masks between different areas so I can layer materials over each other using similar masks. Then create variations by changing the underlying "material". I'm keen to try it out soon.

I also put together another quick backpack based on a suggestion from last week

That's it for now. My next tasks for this week include setting up a special file for the new outfit systems. Along with that I'm creating the templates for all the characters and dialogue leading up to the end of the game. Once I've got the templates and sequencing outlined I'm draft out the outlines ext.



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