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Hey everyone,

So I’ve been working on a bunch of bits and pieces but this week has been pretty disrupted. I didn’t get everything I wanted, which is a bit annoying.

I did start working on a new concept of the notebook. I’ve talked about this concept before but basically somewhere to store important quests and game notes. I think I found a decent way to integrate it into the game by reading the save file to give a note that is likely to be relevant for the current situation. I was thinking of separating it into one area for important quest and side quest notes.

The other section for important things to remember or that could be useful for important quests. I’m thinking it will probably only store 1 or two important lines for a quest, otherwise it will turn into a huge scrolling list which would probably be too big / long.

Once I get it working I’m going to need to play through the game constantly filling it out with basic hints so it might be a little while before I’ve got it fully integrated.

That’s probably the most interesting visual element I’ve been looking at.

I also think I found a way to nest inventories. I’ve been looking at how I could have an item contain an inventory. It’s a little tricky but I think I can create a special item that would open up a special inventory when you use it. This could allow better sorting and give you a pretty useful item.

This means I need to create a whole new “type” of inventory but could be worth it if it lets people organize things better.

That’s all for now I’m going to get back to work and see if I can’t get this cool inventory idea working!



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