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Hey everyone

So I just got back for a short break so no major game updates at the moment. Last week I pushed up a few bug fixes and got a few more bug reports. I’ve updated the master bug list but I’m getting back to work on the main story components.

My two big priorities are updating citizens and the core storyline. I want to finalize the locations of all the incidental characters. I’m doing this primarily so we can then add the custom NPC dialogue. The hope is to drastically reduce the number of times you have to read “I can't remember what I was going to say”. If you hadn’t worked it out, that is the default text the game uses if it can’t find a custom statement.

In terms of the core storyline as I indicated I’m going to need to start wading into spoilers. Patreon doesn't give a way to hide spoilers so I'll just write up spoilers below. Even so, the stuff I talk about will still be vague so you I don't completely spoil things.


The big next story element actually involves a temporary no-return point. This means the character will go to a location that won’t be immediately accessible to the main island. It’s part of a fun story component and the location you travel to will still have ABDL content but it will be a bit different. The short term thinking might be a temporary way to travel between the two areas that is removed once the main story line has formed into shape. If I do go that route it will be important to emphasize that this is just a temporary fix and that it will be gone once there is an “official” way to exit.

This is going to form part of an important series of “story” moments that outline the shape of the game’s story climax. The story/structure so far has been pretty good at setting up the island and what's going on but the next steps are going to be ratcheting up the stakes and paying off some of the ideas.


So that’s all I can really talk about for now. One thing I’m going to experiment with if I’ve been hard at work on something I can’t talk about is I’ll do a teaser post rather than a full dev post like I’m doing here. A teaser post won’t have a lot of explanation but 1-2 interesting images to just tease what’s coming up.

That’s all for now and I’ll have more to talk about next week.




Ohh that elusive lighthouse! Can’t wait to see what comes next!


Can't wait for the next update😁


Very intriguing~ Sounds like there's a lot in store: appreciate the updates!


loving this game so far its so cute and relaxing to play thanks


hoping we can go back to "Home" and be babied by sister and mom. Like what ever is actually happening is spreading through the world