Complex but cool new system (Patreon)
Hey everyone!
So I've been slamming down on productivity tools. This has invovled building out a bunch of new systems but a really big one has just been completed.
I haven't gotten a chance to fully test the system yet but I've built a huge dynamic event flow generation system. In it's simplest form it allows for dialogue/events to be created and tested without re-building the project.
A big part of this is a whole new way of sequencing in game animations and things like movement together. The core of it is to put a series of words together which play out a sequence of events in game. Along with this the ability to load those words into the game while it's running to test/experiment.
Now obviously it won't be able to create something as complex as I can using the nodes but for any series of events that happens one after the other it will totally work.
I've created this system in the same node system that runs the rest of the game. By chopping these "events" up into small chunks I can perform an operatiom like
playerwalkto or lookatNPC. The best part is by using the node system I can re-use alot of work I have already done to create these nodes.
Individually simple you can string these together to control an event. So this is a really exciting development. I'm going to have to create a whole bunch of single use nodes but I hope that it will really speed up testing.
I'm sort of glossing over the system because I assure you it's actually quite complex and capable of being pretty powerful.
Behold the 8 page document I had to create on how all the different components of the new system work.
In theory it could be a pretty powerful way to create and test content. Although I'll have to start using it to find out exactly how well it will work.
Buut by creating these types of systems I can cut down on the time it takes to create a build, upload and more importantly allow the writers to be able to test their own content without being held up by me.
Anyway that's my big update for now. I'm actually going to jump right onto creating nodes for the system. The sooner I get some good nodes in the faster we can test it and use it to create content for the game.