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Every month since I started my Patreon, I have been trying to up my ante in some way, or at least maintain a consistent output of work. It has been extremely rewarding to put in such effort and see these returns, but now I am compelled by circumstance to limit my TF production and focus a bit more on my day job. Since the events of COVID-19 have caused quite a bit of upheaval at work, my department has been depending on me more lately and it has been an opportunity to potentially advance my position.

Despite this, I would still like to keep my Patreon open; however, some adjustments must be made: For the foreseeable future (July & onward), the poll-winners will be made into single full-illustrations, and the monthly exclusive comic will be limited to 1-2 pages. 

Thanks to your pledges up to this point, I have been able to work TF as a manageable part-time job. Having a Patreon do this well was seriously beyond my original pipe dream. It has been very helpful, too, since my day job is part-time as well. I am not one to ask for handouts and I completely understand that these changes may persuade you to leave my  Patreon --I am specifically giving you this notice now so that you may have ample time to drop or adjust your pledge before the next billing cycle.

Your support for my work thus far has been greatly appreciated during this rocky and uncertain period of my life.

If you have any questions about these changes, please let me know in the comments below.



You're a good egg and I for one super appreciate your communication and openness.