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Hello lovelies!

After a much needed break following the 2023 Fall semester, I will be resuming school full time starting January 29th. As a result I will not have a great deal of time on my hands as I will be buried in work.

As such, I have made the decision to suspend free commissions as a benefit for the time-being starting February 1st.

I will still be open to paid commission requests, and will be making the time to continue to produce content to post here and on my other socials.

Thank you all so much for your love, support, and understanding, it honestly means to world to me!



What are the prices of paid commissions?


One of my characters: $75 + $25 per additional character (if any), One custom character: $100 (full 1:1 recreation not guaranteed) + $25 per additional character (if any), One of my characters + One custom character: $150 + $25 per additional character (if any).