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This would be hot animated. 😉

Musical Euphoria

As the human's body began to endure such massive penatration, his body began perspirating out of anticipation of the pain. The musk coming off from the brought about a savage empowering spirit from the oni that thrived off of fear, and so the hungry need for ramming commenced. The once great samurai winced each thrust in pain, while a waterfall of sweat began to drench the oni's fiery chest hairs and poured forward off his bouncing swolen core. Each grunt felt like strength draining out of the human and power given to his ravager. It all culminated upon the oni's exhsusting roar as he continued twitching thrusts of strong throbbing seed into him, jiggling his monstrous pecs and massive belly like the aftershocks of am earthquake. The samurai screamed out of dishonored humility of feeling their need to ejaculate out of desperate need to feel good themselves, wanting his shame to end. The oni only thrived off of the strong flesh of the disgrace, feeling a warm sadistic sense of superiority over warriors that pushed themselves to greatness only to be tainted be his musky essence.