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Yo!  Late night developer here with another update for all of you night owls out there.

The pic to this post is directly from our test scene for the private rooms.  This pic doesn't show much, but it does show some interesting toys, some menu options, and such.

Why am I showing you this?  Well, to be honest, I'm excited!

Last week, during testing, I was in this room with another developer in VR.  They grabbed the toys off the surface and threw them at me.  But I have Drax like reflexes and caught it!

Empowered with my new found buzzy friend, I proceeded to lob the vibrating stick of doom right at them.

I missed (I'm better at catching than I am at throwing it would seem).

But still!  The day was mine!

What does all this mean?  Well, for one, we've been building and testing the multiplayer private room feature.

The private rooms will start off basic, but will have frequent updates.  We're testing character movements, voice, and haptic integration.  Once done, we'll be sending it out for all of our lovely VIP and Star tiers so they can start hosting rooms.  At the moment, Hosts can invite anyone, even non-patreon people.  Its pretty cool.

I'm pushing to have this in your hands (and other places) this month.



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