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Hey, so I was going to use this month to really promote the Patreon because we are in some financial distress but then my camera broke and now my computer broke and I don’t know if I’ll be able to make many more videos if any, even though I had a bunch lined up. I genuinely feel like I am in hell, and I feel like I am at the lowest point I’ve ever been. Everything is truly terrible and I’m sorry.



Hey Scott, I wish I could help you more with the purchase of a new camera and to make things suck less. I hope my contribution helps. I think what you do is not just entertaining or informative, but also (especially in the case of your newest video) really important. We need you in the YT community. Good luck, and (while I don't know if your fandoms include this) may the force be with you.


What's the minimum you'd need to get back to making videos? Even if it's not the camera or equipment you really want.


My previous camera can be repaired for $330 and my newer camera can be repaired for $1100. Taking a hit but trying to repair both 😬


Hi Scott!! I'm sorry you're having a low time, I've had my fair share of those too but don't want you to give up. The community needs you and your videos bring us so much joy :) I want to help support and might have a way to help! I'll message you!