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Since we've had sweeping changes to the Patreon, we need to collect your names again to put in our videos. Fill out this link here asap so we can get all your names ready for tomorrow's new video! 

If you remember having filled out this form in the past, please take a moment and do it again. We're building a brand new list of names. We'll probably have to redo this once per month to make sure the names are up to date and accurate.

In the meantime, I wanted to ask you guys if you wanted your names to be in the video descriptions or in the video itself (probably shown during the end screen or a little before). Let me know your opinion in the poll below!

And if you have extra time, I'd love to know why you voted the way you did. Helps me understand you wonderful nerds a little better.



This is a shared account, and I put my name as Will/Peyton. Is that okay?


Just wanted to see if mine went through