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Hey, gang! Today is the day we redo our reward tiers. Here's what has changed:


  • Weekly audio updates right here on Patreon! All the behind-the-scenes news at NerdSync. Every. Single. Week!
  • Weekly video commentaries! Now we'll publish at least one of these silly things each week. Hopefully with better audio quality, too!
  • HD wallpapers made from our video thumbnails! I spend a ton of time on video thumbnails, and I'm excited that you guys are showing interest in wanting them as wallpapers! We'll also throw in some classic NerdSync ones as well every once in a while. 
  • New Discord roles that better represent each tier!
  • Verbal shoutouts on the podcast! This is limited to the first 20 people who sign on for the $10 tier, so hop in that to secure your spot!


  • I have gotten rid of the Comic Book Club and No-Prize rewards. Here's the thing, we haven't held a CBC hangout in months. It's a time-consuming thing for me, and sending out physical No-Prizes is even more taxing. If you have supported us at the $10 for at least a month before these new changes, you will still be getting your No-Prize. But at this point, these rewards feel like I'm just lying to you all, as I can never find time to fulfill them. So, they are gone now.
  • Names in the descriptions of our videos has jumped up one tier to $6 instead of the previous $3. I'm doing this for a few reasons. I'm thinking about posting the names on screen instead of the description, which I think is worth a little more. But also, I don't know if I'd be able to fit a billion names on screen, so this is a way of shortening the list a bit. This is still a tentative change, and could go back to the way it was before. I'll explain this change more in a later post.


I completely understand if you wanted to stop being a Patron because you were only in it for the No-Prizes or Comic Book Club. those were some of our more popular rewards. Or perhaps you wanted your name in the description, but now it exceeds your budget. Again, I totally get it. I just want to reiterate that the reason this Patreon exists is so we can continue to make new NerdSync videos for you each week. Without your support, this whole endeavor would not be possible. I genuinely mean that. 

I don't say that to try and guilt you into staying if the rewards aren't worth it to you anymore. You do you. I simply want to thank you for all the support you have given up to this point. If this is where we part ways, then I want you to know that I appreciated every sacrifice you made to help us keep the lights on. If you continue supporting us, I hope you know how much it means to me and all of us here at NerdSync. I love you wonderful nerds!

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, let me know below! I'm always open to new reward ideas, so fire away!



Overall, I like these new rewards. To be honest, I never took part in the CBC?