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New video, and the start of a new mini-series about superhero costumes!!! I'm incredibly excited, and I hope you guys enjoy it!

Also, I have not updated the names in the description yet. I will tomorrow. So the names in this video will reflect you lovely Patrons as soon as I get some sleep in me. I've been up for almost 24 hours, and I'm exhausted.



Why a Great Superhero Costume is CRUCIAL in Comics and Movies! || NerdSync

Check out some awesome comic book suits! ▶ http://www.fun.com/suits/fun-suits.html A great costume is crucial for telling amazing superhero stories in comics, movies, and tv shows. It helps to inform the audience about the character, create a sense of stability in their choice of super suit, and turns average people into instantly recognizable icons.



Hmm, was reflecting on this video the other day and thought we could be missing a fun point wrt films adaptations (which you briefly pointed to and understandably skipped! Lol). But maybe this has a play in the next series of videos? Anyway, point is how iconic costumes in movies (or in some cases, lack thereof, example being Wolverine), either transcends the actor or the reverse happens and the actor supersedes iconic character design. We've now seen numerous actors portray Batman, Superman and Spiderman and they all were those characters in our eyes in large part due to the iconic costume. IMO, there's less of an issue with actor changes because the character is larger than the actor in many respects. But take Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), who's character portrayal is arguably more about his features than the iconic character which is why it will be now harder to accept another actor to portray Wolverine. I grew up reading 90s Xmen and in my head I always saw Logan as a short, thick badass saying 'bub but Jackman has changed that for me (for better or worse). I think he's made a great adaptation of Wolverine but I do think the iconic aspects of Wolverine were lost. Even Robert Downey Jr and Chris Evans sort of fall into the "Actor is possibly more iconic than the character" area but they all wore those iconic costumes which if an actor transition were to happen, it won't be as jarring (though, if it does, it will be to some degree regardless but less so than say Wolverine). I get why some movies want to drop the iconic costumes because IRL, they can look silly. But Marvel seems to be able to do it (mostly) and I think it makes a huge difference long term if we continue to see comic books adapted to film for the foreseeable future. Imagine if we saw a Batman/Superman/Spiderman movie with the costume never used and they were a hit for some reason? What then? Anyway, love the videos and this series, would be great to hear your take on it! Thanks!


Ahhh, of course I missed a major point I was trying to make when it comes to many different Artists take on each of these characters where they can look drastically different but enough of the iconic character designs are there and we know it's Superman or Spiderman we're reading. Is this similar to different actors portraying one character versus how an artist puts their own spin on a character? Hmm, probably not but it works in comics for sure, not sure how it can work in films. Sort of goes into why we always have reboots of films we love instead of continuation of the story (this is a whole other tangent, lol), I'd argue the latter would be what I want but not sure if I'd be in the majority there.