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We're trying something new this week. Answering your questions about comic books and superheroes! If this takes off, I might add a reward to one of the tiers where Patrons get priority when it comes to these Q&A type vids. Either way, let me know what you think!

ALSO! So many of you have joined up recently and I haven't had a chance to ask for you names to post in the descriptions. I'll have to do that in another post that isn't public (because I don't want passersby to write their names when they aren't supporting us like you lovely nerds!)


4 Comic Book Superheroes Without a Dark Past (Kind of) || NerdSync

We're trying something new today. I asked you on Twitter to submit your comic book and superhero questions, and the first one we'll be tackling is about heroes from Marvel and DC Comics who do not have a dark past or tragic origin story.


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