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Hey gang! I've been having an incredibly busy and stressful couple of months, so apologies for not being around as much to give updates.

Firstly, thank you all so much for continuing to support my videos for another month! Part of the reason why the past couple of months have been hectic is because we're in the process of finding and buying our first home. Very exciting stuff! But also incredibly frustrating as I've been independent since last September, which has caused a lot of headaches with getting the funds needed to actually make the purchase. So more than ever, I want to thank you all for supporting me here!

With that process (hopefully) slowing down, I will be able to ship out your Wonderful Nerd pins this month just in time for the holiday season. This is only for people at the $50 tier and above. If you have supported me at the $50 tier during either September or October but have since dropped to a lower tier, I'll still try my best to make sure you get your pin.

I don't know if Patreon keeps records of how people have pledged in the past, but I'll look into it. If you're worried that you might not get your pin, you can always DM me or email me any kind of confirmation that you have supported me at $50 or above during September or October. That way I'll know for sure that I need to send you your pin!

As always, it's really just me running things here. I have occasional editing help, but no one to manage the business side of things, so I appreciate your patience as life gets in the way sometimes.

I had a TON of other videos for Scoobtober, but those will have to wait until next year as now I have Namor-vember to worry about. Hoping to get out 2 new videos about Namor, as well as a small handful of sillier reaction videos that are already filmed. Just a couple of months until the end of the year, and I'd really love to end strong.

As my life continues to change, I want to thank you all for helping provide a much more stable income for me. I say this all the time — but it's become much more apparent as we've been looking through the finances for getting a house — I genuinely would not be able to do this without your support. Not an exaggeration. I appreciate you all so much, you dorks! 💜




Banks can be really awkward about nontraditional income sources, like Patreon or gig jobs like Uber Driving. I hope it goes well!


Exciting stuff happening! So excited for you!