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First of all, I'm sorry for not fulfilling the rewards last month. No-Prizes are still not shipped, the Comic Book Club didn't meet, etc. As you may know, it's been a challenging few weeks for us. The TL;DR version is that the NerdSync YouTube channel is effectively down to just me (Scott) for the foreseeable future. I'm both incredibly anxious and excited about what this means moving forward as we try new things and make different kinds of videos for you.

I also want extend a HUGE thanks to all of our new Patrons who stepped up and have begun to support us here on Patreon. You are all amazing and generous and too good for us! Your support will hopefully help get the band back together!

I'm going to try to be more active on here and Discord (which will be challenging now that I also have to take over a lot of tasks I previous delegated to others, but you are important to me). I need you guys to keep me on it. You deserve my attention more than anyone else. 

One thing I want to get your opinion on. What if we changed the CBC back to a regular hangout where we talk about whatever? I think it's better than forcing you guys to buy/find a comic book to read and talk about. We could still do that occasionally, but I honestly just want to chill with you all and shoot the breeze about movies, shows, and other nerdy things. This might allow us to hold them more frequently than once a month. Maybe once every other week at different days and times so we can get the most people involved as possible. What do you think?

Let me know if you have any other rewards that you would be interested in. The Patreon is always changing to accomodate you guys. Thanks for the encouragement and for helping me pay rent!



Is their a way to donate one lump sum?


I don't think that's possible on here, but if you really wanted to you could go through <a href="https://www.paypal.me/ScottNiswander" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.paypal.me/ScottNiswander</a>


The hangout idea sounds awesome! I definitely echo the others that maybe a general topic should be outlined, but not necessarily one we have to stick to if the conversation moves away from it.