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First things first, I need to apologize to most of you at this tier. I didn't make it clear when the Comic Book Club was taking place last month, nor did I post any updates here on Patreon. I relied mostly on our Discord server, as that is where we hold our Comic Book Club meetings. For this month, I want to be more vocal here on Patreon so more of you can make it.

Let's start with what we'll be reading. The choice of comic is entirely up in the air right now, but for the sake of having some guidelines, allow me to suggest a few options on which we can either vote or build off of with other suggestions.

After having watched the Logan trailer on repeat for days, I'm dying to read Old Man Logan finally. For some reason, that comic has escaped my grasp for years. Similarly, I've been wanting to read some Wonder Woman comics, and have heard good things about Gail Simone's The Circle. There was also talk of us reading V for Vendetta since it's November. That could also work!

Of course, I'd be open to other recommendations in the comments below!

CBC's typically take place on the last weekend of each month, but I imagine that'll have to change for this month and the next due to the holidays. So we'll probably move it up one week to around the 20th this month and maybe the 18th of December for the next one. If you have objections to ANYTHING  in this update, please don't hesitate to yell at me in the comments!



Yeah I'm up fo V for Vendeta or maybe Old Man Logan sience it's really an amazing story.


We can always save Old Man Logan for when the movie comes out.


We should do preacher