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Hey, gang! We're closing in on the half-way point of the month, and I wanted to clarify some of the reward tiers, and when you can expect to receive certain rewards like the NerdSync No-Prize.


I have gone ahead and updated the past two weeks worth of videos to include the names of our Level #2 and up Patrons. If you don't see your name, it's possible that you didn't fill out this form. Please fill it out so I can add your name to the video description!


We're currently over in the Discord server figuring out exactly what comic we should read this month. Something spoopy, I hope! We're discussing some Hellboy stories, so that'll be exciting! The CBC will be with our Level #3 Patrons, and will be held on the last Sunday of the month (October 30th). Of course, that is simply a placeholder date, and is subject to change if enough people can't make it. The CBC will take place over on our Discord server, so make sure you head over there!


Speaking of Discord, we've recently added new channels to our server to make conversations easier to follow. We now have specific channels for discussing movies and TV, comic books, YouTube videos and podcasts, and also a "random" channel for off topic stuff. Hopefully this will make the conversations over there a little less cluttered. And again, if you're not over there on Discord, you really should be!


If you are one of our lovely Level #4 Patrons, you will be getting the first batch of NerdSync No-Prizes very soon! The condition is that you have to be supporting NerdSync for at least 4 weeks at that $10+ level. Even if you have a monthly cap, it still counts! No-Prizes will be sent out during the beginning of each month, so expect yours sometime in early November, depending on how long shipping takes to get to your part of the world.

I believe that will do it for today. We've also put out a new commentary, if you're Level #2 and up. Hope you are enjoying those as much as we enjoy making them. As always, let me know if there are other rewards you would like to see on Patreon, and if there's anything we could be doing to engage with you wonderful nerds better! We're always open to suggestions and criticisms!



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