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Hey, gang. I was planning on making a big update here in a few days about a brand new filming rig I am in the process of building, but just an hour ago my camera that I’ve been using for 6 years has suddenly died on me. It won’t turn on anymore regardless of how I power it. And to get the camera repaired will cost about as much as buying a new camera, so I’m stuck.

It especially sucks because as I mentioned, I am in the process of building out a mobile filming rig that I teased at the beginning of this year, and have literally just last weekend made the big purchases to acquire everything for it. And then my camera decides to quit on me out of nowhere.

I knew I was going to get a new camera this year at some point, but I wanted it to be on my own terms. Now, I’m faced with the decision of if I should spend a lot more money buying the camera and lens that I actually want, or just buy something to get me through it for now for who knows how long.

Big decisions to be made, but I just wanted to post this as an update that my next video will probably be late, which sucks since the channel has been picking up steam thanks to the last video.

Everyone here is already supporting me on Patreon, and I super hate asking more from you, but if you have the ability and desire to make any additional one-off donations or tips to help fund me getting a replacement camera, I would appreciate any and all support through PayPal.me/ScottNiswander or Ko-Fi.com/ScottNiswander or even Venmo or Cashapp ($ScottNiswander)

Please do not put yourself in a bad financial spot because of my bad luck. I appreciate all the support you already give me here every month. This is just an unfortunate thing that happened, and I need to ask for help.

Thank you, and I’ll keep you posted.

- Scott



Pitching in too, no camera means no NerdSync video - and we can't have that!


If you’re interested, I have an extremely lightly used canon eos from the summer of 2018 I could probably send you for free. Shoot me a dm here or on Twitter @curiosidex