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Hey everyone! The month is coming to a close, and I realized we should probably plan the next Comic Book Club. I can't remember if we chose a book to talk about, but I'm kind of in a Killing Joke mindset right now with the animated movie having come out, and the fact that I have THREE (possibly four) videos planned talking about it!

So if that sounds like something you'd like to read/discuss, let me know! It's super short, easily available in comic shops both online and off, and has sparked countless theories and myths over the decades since it's been out.

This is not set in stone, though. If you'd prefer we read something else, that is 100% okay with me!

As for the date, I was thinking this weekend. Either Friday or Saturday would work best for me. We might do it over the NerdSync Discord instead of google hangouts, if that's fine with you guys. Let me know all your thoughts below! Thanks!



I can actually attend this time!! Saturday works better for me, it'll give me a chance to re-read Killing Joke and watch the animated movie too.


What is this NerdSync Discord you speak of?!? Lol, any chance u can provide invites again with a bit of heads up?


<a href="https://discord.gg/Ae3Mz" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discord.gg/Ae3Mz</a>