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Hey, gang! I thought I'd try something new and update you on all the news and projects I'm working on each week. Let me know if you like this idea!


My latest video about the old Thor cartoon continues to rise in views, which is amazing! I want it to get to over 100K views, and it's currently at around 75K, which is great! Thank you to everyone who has watched it and shared it around. If you missed it, you can watch it here: https://youtu.be/bqG3RcssKSc

I also did a live stream commentary of that video with Tulok the Barbrarian  last week, which was super fun! Tulok is one of my best YouTube buds, and it's always so nice to chat with him and interact with all of you wonderful nerds! If you missed the stream, you can watch it here: https://youtu.be/-5dYY-jmF7M

I'm working on a new video coming this week all about how Pixar uses cameras to manipulate your emotions. It's incredibly in depth, and I try to touch on each Pixar film at least a little bit. But I'm in the process of cutting a lot out of my script because it's too long and I need to make something shorter this week because I have personal plans for a long weekend. So don't expect an hour-long essay on this one. The video will also be a collab with La'Ron Readus  who is always a delight to work with! 


Season 2 of Late To the Party (the D&D podcast I'm on) just recently launched! Episode 3 is released today, and it's our first combat session of the season! I can't tell you how much fun it is to play a character who is actually good at fighting this season, unlike Coach Tucker from last season haha! LTTP is available on every podcast platform, and you can find links to the specific one you use here: http://lttpdnd.com

I was also a pleasure to guest on the Geeksplained Podcast where I had the joy of talking all about Captain America in cartoons. Which means, yes, I did talk a lot about the 1966 cartoon because of course I did! You can listen to that episode here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/168-captain-america-month-cap-in-cartoons-w-scott-niswander/id1407124684?i=1000528867133


I want to thank everyone who has recently started supported me on Patreon! The support means a ton! We're actually in the process right now of creating new tiers that will feature regular exclusive merch drops that you can only get if you're a patron, and I can't wait to show what we've cooked up for you all!

Speaking of merch, we're in the process right now of finalizing NerdSync notebooks! I'll keep you posted as we wrap up production on those, but I am super excited for those! I think you're really going to love them!

That's all for this update! Like I said, let me know if you like this idea. Might be weekly. Might be every other week. Who knows! But I always have a good amount happening on my end and I like sharing it all with you so you know what's coming up and what you might have missed.






Love this! Another!


Sure I'll take as much or as little of these as you want to give us