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Another month has gone by, and I just want to say thanks for all of you who have continued to support my videos, and to those of you who just recently decided to do so! It means a lot to me. Genuinely, I would not be able to do this without all of you. Thank you so much 💜

The next new video is running a bit late but should be up on Patreon hopefully later today or tomorrow morning! It's about an old Captain America cartoon from the 60s that I've not seen many people talk about online, so I figured maybe I could be the one who does it? It's got drama, twists, lawsuits, and more! The video features fun guest appearances and even an exclusive segment just for Patrons only where I cover even more context about a small detail from the show's history. Bonus content baked right into the video just for Patrons!

I've also tossed around the idea of doing live streams ever other week in between main videos just to foster the community a little more like I used to with Tales From the Comments all those years ago. Maybe have some YouTube guests on in future streams? Hope you can make it to one of those sometime. I'm still figuring out the schedule and when I want to do the first one. I'll keep you posted!

After the Cap video, I am working on what will hopefully be a much shorter video about Invincible. Really, it's only loosely tied to Invincible. It's more of a self-reflective video about how the NerdSync channel is doing and how it's evolved over the years. Much more wholesome than the actual show Invincible, haha.

That's all the updates I have for you nerds right now! As always, I have lots of video ideas, I just need to get better at making them shorter and quicker if I want to maintain my new schedule. This Cap video is close to an hour, which is fun but also maybe too long to talk about a show that only had 13 episodes. Oh well!

Thanks again for all the support, and I hope you like the new video once it's out!





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