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Hello, everyone! Been a while. Just wanted to give you a little update on the Bob Ross video.

I have not finished writing it yet, but currently the script is 14 pages long. For reference, my big Scooby-Doo video at the start of the year was 16 pages long. I'm REALLY hoping I can cut this down a whole bunch especially because I don't think I start talking about The Joy of Painting until page 7. So half of the video currently is just a lot of setup. Plus, I don't really have a strong thesis for the video. It's basically like, "here's the history of Bob Ross, and also occasionally some critiques and insight about being an Influencer™.

I definitely want to talk about Bob Ross in terms of being an influencer, and having some self-reflection about my own life as one as well. I just think it's a hard thesis to pin onto the video when half of it is just history that doesn't really tie into the thesis. 

Either way, once I have a first draft finished (hopefully this weekend) I will post it here on Patreon for you all to read through and give me notes on. Let me know if it's interesting and where I can cut or condense stuff.

The plan was to have this video out by the end of the month, but we've been moving offices and that has taken a few Fridays away from me which is my main day to work on my videos. I can't imagine I'll be able to finish writing then film and edit this monster of a video in one week with everything else I have to do, but we'll see.

As always, thanks for being patient with me!

- Scott



As long as you're okay, we're okay with waiting