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Just wanted to give you a quick update about what will hopefully be my next video.

Originally, I was gonna talk about Bob Ross as a corporate brand and kind of ruin the charm of Bob Ross for everyone, but I've since decided that I really shouldn't destroy one of the only pure things out there in the world that is actually helping people get through this year. So, I have decided to still touch on the idea of Bob as a brand, but I've significantly reduced that section to just a few sentences instead of it being the crux of my video.

Instead, the video will just be a sweet and wholesome history and analysis of Bob Ross and The Joy of Painting. I want to talk about Bob's early life, his philosophy as an artist, how the Art World (with capital letters) reacted to the non-traditional approach Bob took to painting, and how his legacy lives on to this day, including his unintentional pioneering of ASMR.

Still debating if I'm gonna keep in the bit where I talk about the inherent eroticism of Bob Ross, but we'll see how I'm feeling. I feel like if I talk about Bob as an ASMRtist, it would do a disservice to the ASMR community to then go on to describe how his program is erotic considering there's still a bit of a stigma around ASRM that it's a sexual thing when it's (mostly) a relaxation thing. Either way, I've got a lot of ideas that I need to structure into a way that flows well and feels respectful towards the communities I want to talk about. Including the Bob Ross subreddit which is incredibly sweet and adorable.

So that's kinda where I'm at right now with the script. Just a lot of bullet points that I'm slowly fleshing out.

I also say it's "hopefully" my next video because if I can't get it done soon, then I'm gonna have to switch gears to my Scooby-Doo video so I can tackle that before October ends. Especially because it's a collab, so there's a deadline I need to hit. Fingers crossed I can do both, but if I can't then I'll keep you posted!

Anyway, back to work! Thanks, gang!






I can't wait, I know it's going to be a home run big cat.☺️


You should record the asmr segment anyways. If anything it could lead to great blooper / b roll.