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Hey, everyone! Firstly, holy cow thank you for all the support over the special offer this month! Seeing this Patreon grow bigger than it's ever been before has been so encouraging to see! Thank you! 💜 We'll be ordering the pins and shipping them out to people as soon as we can!

Now, as I explained in a post and on our Discord a few weeks ago, I will be readjusting the reward tiers here on Patreon to offer more rewards, while also trying my best not to keep things from people who can't afford to support me at higher levels. The biggest change is that I have removed the $3 and $6 tiers here on Patreon and replaced them with a $5 tier that has all their rewards combined.

The tiers are currently hidden from view so no new people can sign up for them. But if you're an existing patron who supports me at either the $3 or $6 tier, here's what you need to know:

Do you support me at the MONTHLY $3 or $6 tiers?

If you are supporting me at the $3 or $6 tier, you will continue getting everything at those levels for the next month. Please switch to either the lower $1 tier or new $5 as soon as you can, depending on what your budget allows for. Switching to the $5 tier is beneficial for additional rewards if you're at the $3 level currently, or just a cheaper tier with the same rewards if you're at the $6 tier currently.

If you're at the $3 tier and can't afford to go any higher, you can always drop to the $1 tier. You can also still support me at whatever dollar amount you want, but select the $1 tier. So if you want to continue supporting me at $3 per month, you select the $1 tier to get its rewards, but then tell Patreon you want to still support me at $3 per month anyway. Patreon is quite flexible in that regard.

So if you do want to switch to the $5 tier or any other level, you can find out how to do that here: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000126286-Update-my-membership-amount

I wanted to give everyone a few days to change their memberships around before September starts so you can get everything squared away before you are charged.

Do you support me at the ANNUAL $3 or $6 tiers?

If you are an patron who supports me the annual $3 - $6 tiers, I admit that Patreon makes it a bit trickier to change your membership. The good news is, there are only 4 of you and I'll message you individually about this in addition to this post.

You can always increase to $5 or $10 so you can get those official tiers, but lowering your pledge is not so straightforward. Patreon's "solution" is for you to wait a full year and then lower your membership right before the next time you are charged, which is annoying. We can work out some kind of refund if you really want, but I think the easiest thing to do is for me to just include all annual $3 and $6 tier patrons to get all the $5 tier rewards for the first year of your membership until you can change it next year.

Again, this is only for $3 and $6 tier annual patrons because it's much harder to change annual memberships than month-to-month memberships. For $3 and $6 month-to-month patrons, see the previous section of this post.

New rewards and changes for ALL tiers!

With all that out of the way, here are the new tier changes. Give them a look! I listened to a lot of your feedback and kept things mostly the same, but just added more things. For example, a lot of you were outspoken that I keep the personal thank you video at the $1 tier because that meant a lot to you, so I have kept it at the $1 level! A few others wanted to move the "your name spoken in videos" to the lower $10 tier, but I can't justify that because it would take up like 3-4 minutes of each video just to read off nearly 100 names if I lowered it. Thanks for understanding!

$1 tier

  • Access to the NerdSync Discord
  • Personal thank you video sent to your email

$5 tier

  • 5% merch discount code
  • Names in videos as thanks for pledging more than the minimum 
  • Early access to behind-the-scenes content (these will be made available for all patrons after a week or so) 
  • + All previous rewards

$10 tier

  • 10% merch discount code
  • Monthly social media shoutout (kinda what philosophytube does where he holds up a piece of paper with everyone's names handwritten out on it. I think that's nice.) 
  • + All previous rewards

$15 tier

  • 15% merch discount code
  • Early access to video autopsies + bonus content (these will be made available for all patrons after a week or so)
  • + All previous rewards

$25 tier

  • A special thanks with your name spoken out loud at the end of my videos
  • + All previous rewards

$50 tier and up

  • All previous rewards and also just my undying love and gratitude 💜

Thanks for sticking with me during these changes! If you have ANY questions about the changes, please let me know in the comments or over private message. You're all amazing, and I can't thank you enough for the support!


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